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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. Flaherty saw the train wreck, that is out pen, and is like “nah, I got this, y’all just chill”
  2. He’s OPSing 1.037 w/15 HR going in to today v. Jays in 202ABs over 48 games (most against any team).
  3. He def has the “been there, done that” swag to him. He looks comfortable out there and has a routine.
  4. Speaking of Showalter, Think we can get a “Brit-ton” chant going tomorrow?
  5. With Gunnar on deck was the worlds worst send. Bad play prepping by coach.
  6. https://www.batterypower.com/2019/9/23/20879613/checking-in-on-some-former-atlanta-braves-gausman-allard-demeritte-biddle Wasn’t the sure fire Braves coaching staff.
  7. I applaud them for sticking to their principles and plans and doing what goes against the grain of what other GMs do. They will not be excellent by copycat tactics. To be excellent they need a their own competitive advantage. The process is overwhelmingly working.
  8. This was my gut instinct, but went with how I felt they’d perform. I think of that grouping Jackson’s talent would net the best results. I’m a Hall believer, but just don’t see him coming up in a pressure cooker and having success. I really hope I’m wrong!!!
  9. Holiday. D, wheels, bat. Many ways he could help. Edit: I don’t think there is any chance that happens.
  10. I don’t consider a 25 WAR gap to be particularly close. Sorry.
  11. On a slider. He conceded the AB after 4 spoiled FBs in a row to get the weak link.
  12. And what did one of ten games best hitters do with those 100 & 99 mph fastballs? Nothing. It’s called reading the bat. Springer was going to do better? Vladdy couldn’t get one fair, knew what was coming, and that was his 3rd AB of the night. Speinger comes up and Ks on 3 FB in a row. I’m done now.
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