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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. Basallo, Holiday, Mayo are my untouchables. I’d entertain the idea of trading any other prospects. Gunnar & Adley are untouchables on the 26 man. Would entertain the idea of trading anyone else on the 26 man. In a perfect world scenario I’d like to be able to trade from Urias, Mateo, Norby, Prieto, & Hall. Cowser, Westburg, Kjerstad & Ortiz I’d need to be blown away.
  2. Essentially. Norfolk lit it up last night.
  3. I am impressed with guys that improve as they move up. Here are Basallo’s OBP & SLG #s last three years. He’s improved each year and has made a big step this year in his age 18 season. 2021 .338 .410 2022 .350 .424 2023 .380 .508
  4. emmett16

    Coby Mayo 2023

    In spring training next year they need to take away all his gloves except the 1b mitt.
  5. Basallo is a notch ahead of Mayo for me. He plays the most important position in the game and has a chance to stick there. It’s not only his bat that’s special, he had an accurate cannon as well.
  6. Day off after a days off is a good way to get some much needed rest in the longest season he’s ever played.
  7. My take away is teams that are young and talented improve as the season goes along. I expect them to continue to improve over the last two months. They are young, extremely talented, and full of confidence. That’s dangerous.
  8. It legitimately feels like we are living in an alternate reality. It’s been so fun following the team this year.
  9. I’m referring to the true potential of our 40 man roster. Not what the current 26 are doing at this point in time.
  10. We are 3 games behind them and haven’t even come close to firing on all cylinders.
  11. We are 3 games behind them despite having our best pitcher on the IL all year. Our team has some serious helium n potential. Adley, Gunnar, Cowser have not hit their high water marks. We have impactful players in AAA that will come up and improve throughout the year. We very well could have swept them earlier this year. I didn’t see a team that was superior to us. I’m a closet Braves fan as my NL team (my dad is from GA and went to school in ATL) and watch a lot of their games. I don’t see a team much better than ours. As I’ve been saying all year, I very much think GRod will be Ace caliber by the end of the year or early next year. GRod, Means, Bradish is nothing to sneeze at with Kremer & Wells bring up the 4 & 5 spot. Not too many squads with the SP depth that we have. I believe it will be a strength next year.
  12. I’ll take the 17.6/9 K rate & 1.45 FIP to the bank. Britton relied on his D - Bautista relies on himself. We can stack up seasons and take a look when this one is over. If I had to chose between the two players I’m taking Bautista.
  13. I think the intimidation leads (in part) to the results. Knowing you have to defend against 102 AND a splitter 12 mph slower would be unnerving. Britton was kind of a one trick pony. That trick was damn good. But at least you can put together an attack plan.
  14. Intimidation factor alone puts him a peg above Britton for me. I’d wager he will have more longevity as well. I was pretty young when Olson was the guy. Didn’t folks learn to just lay off the curve and struggles ensued because it always finished below the strike zone? Or is that just in my head? Off to bbref to get sucked in for an hour or 5.
  15. 2 Doubles today. Batting .344 OPS 1.005.
  16. Ben pointed it out and they showed a side by side. He’s fatigued, lower, and not getting the same movement. Ticking time bomb IMO. I think a rest/breather could pay dividends. They rode him hard.
  17. I’d love to know what’s going on there. Strange situation. They were really building him up (videos on social media) like he was going to be a main feature this year. Feel bad for the young man, he’s not a young pup anymore. Hope his head is in a good place.
  18. With this FO I half expect him to show up in Tampa to pitch tomorrow.
  19. No power at all. If he knew any better he’d start lifting weights.
  20. If he let it hit him we’d have had runners on 1st & 2nd with no outs
  21. Man, this guy really hides the ball well. Telecast today is behind home plate. You can’t see ball until very last second of his release. Can tell the batters have trouble picking up pitches.
  22. If he’s killing it mid season, maybe they eat remaining salary for McCann. Lotta ifs. Nice to see him continuing to improve.
  23. I’m pretty much right there with you. When I first saw the link/article I thought, you know what I’d probably do that….But I missed Ortiz in the deal. No flippin’ way! Norby, Hall, Beavers, Stowers is a crap ton of talent. Take 3 of those 4 and we have a deal. If not, happy shopping elsewhere.
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