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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. I thought you meant ceremonially opening day pitch lol - was going to guess John Angelos.
  2. I agree. I’m just thinking like an outside org. Of course I’d like to trade from depth. But if I’m looking at the Os top 10, knowing there are a couple untouchables, he’s the first guy that would interest me.
  3. I agree. I’m just thinking like an outside org. Of course I’d like to trade from depth. But if I’m looking at the Os top 10, knowing there are a couple untouchables, he’s the first guy that would interest me.
  4. Do you confine yourself to those parameters? Or do you try to maximize value depending on how the market values your players? If you can get an impact SP with Mayo as a headliner do you do that? Or do you hold because you'd prefer to trade from your OF/IF depth?
  5. He is also one of the most volatile. If they are truly in 'win now' mode they will need to make some trades. I don't think they will trade away players on the MLB roster, but rather a high ceiling player that's in the mid minors (during the season). You have to give up value to get value. It's not that I don't like him, he just seems to fit the bill.
  6. Fair point. I knew he had some troubles v LHP, guess I didn't realize it was that bad.
  7. True. If he struggles then yes he should be moved. I don’t think he should be moved, at this juncture, to fill a team need.
  8. I think having two guys that can capably play the most demanding defensive position (that isn’t C)is only a good thing. SS takes a toll and keeping a defender fresh can only help IMO. I don’t think you lose an edge by taking a break a couple times a week.
  9. If they thought Mullins was a platoon guy, they’d have traded him. I don’t see a world, short of him OPSing sub .710, that he is a platoon.
  10. Mayo is a guy that likely gets traded so maybe a little work at those positions, but he should be showcased as a 3b to maintain his value. If he can show viable at other positions while holding down 3B this year in AA that would be a plus.
  11. And if someone got close, I could see him coming out of retirement to take it back.
  12. Football has its own issues and average age of viewer is also in 50s. It’s an American phenomenon and unsellable in other countries. Only Americans will sit through 3hr of commercials to see 15 minutes of game action. Soccer and Basketball are global sports and present the biggest competition long term.
  13. My Top ten would be: 1. Gunnar - He's in the league and performing 2. Holiday - I think he has the highest upside in the system 3. GRod - He's ready to perform at MLB after dominating minors 4. Hall - The stuff is about as good as I've ever seen...and he's a lefty. High ceiling, high floor 5. Mayo - Light tower power and crazy ceiling for a young guy 6. Ortiz - Defensive wiz in AAA ready to make an impact defensively at MLB 7. Westburg - Jack of all trades, master of none - ready to contribute to MLB 8. Cowser - Already in AAA ready to get his chance 9. Kjerstad - Massive hit tool, but still a little ways to go 10. Basallo - Furthest away, but athletic specimen with a super high ceiling 11. Norby - Having success in the high Minors, ready to play MLB 12. Beavers - Freak show skill-set with a super high ceiling
  14. Evolution is a thing. I think it will make for a more entertaining game. MLB needs to do absolutely everything it can over the next decade to compete with soccer and basketball.
  15. Smart. Finally. Would be good if they could find a way to promote the future prospects more while they are playing in the Minors.
  16. I think that is “Plan C” if 3B and RF don’t work out.
  17. Krjerstad, Stowes, and Mayo have the chance to be a MOO bat. Mayo's power tools shine brighter than anyone else's, for sure.
  18. Yes. After the injury is when he lost 200rpm and 2 ticks. I think anyone that saw him would say he didn't' look quite the same. With that said, I don't think many people are worried. BUT if you are going to do a write up and I guess it's fair to go with the most updated info. I think GRod is going to be extremely productive this year out of the gate.
  19. I think, barring and injury, it can only be helpful to play in meaningful competitive games.
  20. Or lat strain is the new torn labrum.
  21. Seeing 20 y/o SS Lawlar at 15 is kind of painful, especially with the absence of Cowser from the list.
  22. I think a lot has to do with him being 23+. The shiny new toy lost just a little bit of it's luster. At this point I don't care so much about the rankings; I just want him to come up and perform.
  23. As a Hays fan, this is what I've been clinging to. His approach, BB%, & K% give me worry, but I will continue to hold out some hope even if I don't expect it.
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