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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. Dang. That’s pretty harsh and I’m a pessimist. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. With that said, fair enough.
  2. And if they are really thinking Ardoin is their long term back up might as well give Mav his shot and see what he has.
  3. That’s a significant difference. I was mostly kidding. Biggio & Rizzo both came to mind as players that seemed to be attempting to get HBP as a means to getting on base.
  4. Visions of Happy Gilmore prepping for the upcoming season….
  5. Craig Biggio made a career out of getting hit by pitches (that and hitting :). It can be a repeatable skill, although a painful and risky one. Might not be able to get away with it as much now as you used to be able to.
  6. Not sure if you are all aware of his back story, but he had a crazy year getting to the states. I’m giving him a pass this year to get acclimated to being away from home/family for the first time and adjusting to a new culture. With that said, he needs to do much better next year. https://www.si.com/mlb/2022/07/20/billy-henderson-cesar-prieto-cuba-daily-cover
  7. Sounds like HOU isn’t interested in Verlander at the 3/40 being floated. Crazy enough, they don’t really need him. LA is looking like Verlander’s home next year.
  8. They need to take the playoffs into consideration with the moves they make as well. The goal isn’t just getting to the playoffs, it’s winning. Its a huge risk but the reward is a WS. They built roster flexibility specifically for a move just like that.
  9. I expect both DeGrom & Rodon will spend a significant amount of time on the IL over the course of their next contract. I’d be pretty thrilled if we signed either of them. I highly doubt we are serious contenders for either of them.
  10. A name I’ve seen thrown around online but not much mention here is Quintana. I don’t want him as my SP headliner, but he is intriguing as a second SP signing. I didn’t realize he is only 33. Left handed pitcher with the following career #s: .9HR9 / 3.75 era / 110 era+ / 3.62 FIP / 8.0 K9 (7.4k9 last year). I hadn’t really considered him before, but after hearing his name thrown around I took a closer look and I have to say, there are some things to like. There are a few red flags in there, but he might be a good candidate to maintain similar production into mid to late 30s. I wonder what kind of contract he will be looking for and able to get.
  11. Do we have any clue whatsoever on guys they may or may not January 2023 or is it just a big surprise?
  12. I thin Westburg has a pretty good shot at making the opening day roster.
  13. The justification would be if he pitched 15-20 of those innings in the playoffs and you win a WS. I don't think I would be so brave to do it if it were my decision, but there is absolutely huge upside to the deal.
  14. I think the selling point on DeGrom is what you pointed out. Having him in a short playoff series, even if he only pitched 80 innings all year, is way better than no having him in a short playoff series. It's a move for the playoff tournament, not really a move for the regular season.
  15. I don't think I would believe it until I saw him in uniform at a Press conference. Even then, I think I'd have to pinch myself.
  16. Happy TG Hangouters - I hope everyone has a fantastic day. Big Thanks to Tony for all his hard work in making the Hangout the best community on the Interwebs.
  17. It really seems like the Orioles sent out a memo at the beginning of the year that read: "Dear Pitcher, if you would like to move through the system and experience success, throw the ball down the middle and do no walk anyone. Sincerely, Mangement" Watching the Orioles this year and the Elias philosophy of throw the dang thing down the middle and don't walk anyone kind of makes me want to do the same thing with my 11u squad next season. No inside outside, no change ups, just pump fastballs down the middle and let the kids catch the ball while avoiding walks.
  18. I learned today that you have to be selected to be on the ballot. Dumb me thought everyone was eligible after their 5 years. I didn't realize how much of a tremendous honor it is to even be selected. I Imagine he will have a hard time staying on the ballot. So Congrats to JJ, one of the most fundamentally sound defenders I've ever watched play!
  19. In typical Jones fashion, even though we didn't know it at the time. I miss that guy. I hope the Orioles are able to embrace him as the ambassador for the franchise that he should be.
  20. If we traded away Mullins, I think I'd be OK with Bellinger. Especially over Mckenna et al. Not saying that is the direction I'd like to go but I don't think I'd be too upset with that set-up if it netted us an impact SP. Maybe Camden is appealing as a one year stop to build up value for a power LH bat?
  21. I've labeled them as my 'realistic' wish list guys. It's still a wish list. I will be surprised if we are able to sign either of them.
  22. Thanks for posting those stats. Pretty eye opening. I thought their ERA+ would have been closer. I thought that maybe Taillon 3 year ERA+ might be lower than last year, but sure enough he was league average with a 100 last year as well. I officially change my FA 'realistic' wish list to: 1. Bassitt 2. Eovaldi and no longer interested in Taillon
  23. Someway somehow they need to bring in 2 SPs. If they both came via FA I wouldn’t be mad. I just want the best possible talent and we have a few avenues to explore to bring in that talent. Wells & Voth both should be in the pen IMO.
  24. Sorry to detail thread. Back to Bassitt & Eovaldi
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