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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. To be fair, The better schools Vandy, Wake, Ole Miss, etc. have their pitchers on very specific schedules geared to max out at end of season. Lotta people freaked about Leiter in college WS, but his entire year was scripted to be able to throw all those pitches in that very last game. Id be wary of a new coach at a lesser programs trying to make a name for himself. The top notch established programs take care of their athletes a little better. *one caveat. The player has to follow their workout schedule 100%, if they do not they run the risk of getting injured. This is where the high character stuff comes in. It’s an insurance policy for the team.
  2. Don’t believe it includes tournament games, also most definitely doesn’t include fall intra quads and more recently the “two fall games”
  3. I think mostly the same. I think the floor of the moves is the same but the ceiling could be much higher. If McCann bounces back and Frazier can find the magic he had for in first half of his All-Star season, then these moves look like pure genius. Lotta ifs, though.
  4. I don’t think they are going to give up any picks this year. Maybe next year.
  5. I think counting on Bradish and Kremer to repeat or improve their performance next year is a mistake. I’d much prefer an upgrade.
  6. I hear you. I’d also be find if we missed the pick and got him for one additional year w/the qualifying offer should he want to test market a year later (highly unlikely). Baseball is funny and a lot can happen in 2 years.
  7. I find it comical that people make judgements about people they’ve never met based off of internet stories. Kinda makes me suspicious of the person who passes judgment that easily. With that said, Bauer absolutely does not fit the persona type the Orioles are trying to acquire.
  8. Or we get him for 3 years at a fair market rate.
  9. #3 SP LH batter back up catcher #1 SP #buckleup #liftoff #lol All jokes aside, after digesting this for a day now I really like the deal. I keep telling myself to be patient and the off-season is far from over. This move gives me a little more hope a game changing move is on the horizon. Very creative and aggressive move taking advantage of Met’s circumstances. I’m excited to see what move is next. Imagine it will be the last significant move and the most exciting.
  10. Crohn’s disease is no joke. The poor guy will have to deal with that the rest of his life. Love the man, but if I’m his employer that makes me nervous.
  11. Almeyda looks super athletic. His hands and footwork look pretty incredible for a 16 y/o. I like how simple and direct his swing is, too.
  12. Frazier must really turn the double play well.
  13. Been trying! Easier said than done.
  14. I’ll see you guys when baseball starts. I hate this time of year, mostly because there is no baseball to watch (except on the islands) and the hot stove thing isn’t my cup of tea. This year silly me got a little excited and good lord what a let down. I’ve been trying not to overreact but boy are a lot of these moves head scratchers. I can’t wait for the spring to get here. Heading down to Nicaragua in a few weeks so will have to get my fill in watching los Gigantes de Rivas.
  15. Gonna check back in a few weeks but this off-season has an eerily similar feeling.
  16. I’ve seen him play a bunch. I’m 6’ 215. He is much taller than me I’d say 6’3”and is thick (ripped not fat) I’d guess 225.
  17. Mazara is an enigma. Wonder if he is actually 29.
  18. My first thought was this is bad news for Neustrom.
  19. His extreme hot and cold streaks would be frustrating. Especially with other similar players on the team. I think I pass on him.
  20. They went back and forth on MLB network last Monday (was driving all day) and almost everyone agreed he should be in. They also think Albert Belle has a legit resume and should/would be next. I know McGriff doesn’t have the 70war but at 2490/493/1550(less than Baines), a 130OPS+ And a good bit of bold print even though he played in the thick of the Steroid era and at First Base no less. Congrats Crime Dog! Well deserved IMHO.
  21. Might need to take some time away from the hot stove for a while…
  22. My first comment was actually partly serious. I think this signals spending a bit more on the back-up assets. Franchy as a backup project is a lot more exciting than Diaz or even Neustrom.
  23. Ronaldo. Portuguese soccer player. Just signed. 3 year @ 173£. Total value of 770milluon USD. Maybe a Saudi will by the Orioles.
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