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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. Every youth baseball player in America should watch and see how much power can be generated from a short, simple, compact swing. What a stroke.
  2. It always looks to me that Stowers is playing at like 80%. Are those speed numbers averages or are their top recorded speed?
  3. From what I’ve heard Ardoin is that good. I think he is a big sleeper in system. Some scouts think he has potential to improve his bat significantly. His D skills are supposed to be close to MLB ready.
  4. It's crazy how many legit solid prospects are left. The top 20-30 are going to be super interesting.
  5. Such a great moment. Felicitaciones hermano!
  6. I have to imagine Urias has more value now than he ever has or ever will. I think the time to cash in is now.
  7. I think you can absolutely add raw power, though it takes a lot of effort and focus. A guy like Westburg, who by all accounts has off the chart's mental make-up, is the perfect candidate to outperform their initial raw power rankings. I think a lot has to do with how you project growth of a kid that's 17-22. Some kids have late growth spurts, other kids spend entire off-season putting on 10lb of muscle and adding 4mph to the EV #s so the scouting reports can vary season to season in the very beginning of their careers.
  8. Three outcome game doesn't involve speed and arm strength for a batter. A scout once told me that your Raw Power is your ceiling & your floor, your hit tool is a map on your ability to reach your ceiling/floor, & all the other tools are extras. Currently there is a 'designated hitter' position in baseball but no 'designated fielder'.
  9. I think Hermaiz gets overlooked on this board big time. He played a portion of AA last year at 20yo (just turned 21 in August), increased his OBP, increased his slugging, and was 32 of 36 in stolen bases. If IF doesn't work out, he seems like a solid option for the OF. I like his swing and think he is going to add power as he puts on strength and continues to grow into his frame. He's one of the orgs biggest sleepers in my opinion.
  10. I’m a big fan. I love his frame and pitch profile as a lefty. I think he has a few more ticks on the FB. It might be lack of pitching in the system but Povich is one of the players I’m most excited to follow next year. I hope he can make the next step in his development and start to show command of his pitches.
  11. Does the labrum surgery ping him at all in your eyes? Does that play into his long term forecasting. It’s a pitchers worst nightmare. I was looking for info on position players recovering from labrum’s and it doesn’t seem to be as well documented. But then you think about Cody Bellinger and wonder.
  12. I love him as a reliever. Hall & Wells for ~100ip each of nasty relief is a fantastic way to start the pen. Big nasty righty and Big nasty lefty.
  13. I can’t wait to watch this guy play. Delmarva with Holiday and Basallo will be a lot of fun.
  14. Would be awesome to have access to that info. They must have some arrangement with the teams to get that level of info. It’s pretty crazy to think what teams can do now to engineer a game plan around each and every player and their physiological nuances.
  15. Most of that can be obtained from blast sensors & hit trax or rapsodo. Not sure how they are privy to that info. Most kids now going through PG are hooked to sensors and k vests as well as most off-site training facilities. Wonder if some of those places sell their data?
  16. Basallo & Povich. Beavers is kinda funky and hard to project & Povich is lefty SP. They both have Qs for me, but I’d rather have the lefty SP in my system.
  17. A couple things to consider would be -pitch type/location (slow and low will result in slightly different foot work and release point) -accuracy of throw (where fielder receives the ball - out in front, behind, left, or right of bag)
  18. Here is an article that breaks down catcher pop times as it relates a to transfer and throw on a similar distance to 3b. Has some numbers in there people were playing with. https://www.drivelinebaseball.com/2018/10/catchers-voyage-towards-velocity/ I’ll try to find info on Infield work.
  19. Let me clarify this statement by saying the above is true in a vacuum. Arm accuracy, positioning, game situation etc. all take on importance which is why some of the best of all time are not the ones with the strongest arms.
  20. Historically correct take. Same with catcher pop-time. Historically people always coached quick transfer and release as the way to quickest pop time or IF throw. You can now quantify the time it takes for both. What has been found is that transfer time has a ceiling and the only area for true improvement comes on the throw. So yes, the transfer is super important and paramount to success but it has a ceiling. Transfer is the basis for entry and arm strength is the differentiator between the truly elite.
  21. I think this is where I am which is why I went B+. I wanted to give an A because of the historically bad situation he inherited, but at A there isn’t any room for improvement. I think we still haven’t seen this machine firing on all cylinders yet. If Elias & Sig are still here after year 7 (which is when I have kind of penciled in the arrival of the International pipeline) I think we will see what an A+ looks like. By then I expect to have competed for a WS or two, signed a significant FA, made some significant trades, and witnessed success of Elias’ first Int star.
  22. Pretty crazy what a year can do. This time last year it seemed like the hangout was collectively low on the Elias regime after 3 years on the job.
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