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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. emmett16

    WBC 2023

    Probably not. Likely higher than than the uniform budget though. We started the team because the local option was a complete racket.
  2. emmett16

    WBC 2023

    I love it too. My 11Us could analyze his swing because their psycho coach has had them on a blast sensor since they were 7. What can you say, kids like tech, 3d images, and smashing baseballs. Shameless plug…. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CpylNCAg14W/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  3. emmett16

    WBC 2023

    Center cut Venezuelan meat ball.
  4. emmett16

    WBC 2023

    This game is off the hook.
  5. emmett16

    WBC 2023

    No clue. He has looked out of his element the entire time.
  6. emmett16

    WBC 2023

    Where is Chuck Knoblauch when you need him?
  7. emmett16

    WBC 2023

    If Altuve is seriously injured, that’s on DeRossa. Absolute negligence keeping Bard in the game after watching his first two batters in a win or go home game.
  8. emmett16

    WBC 2023

    Mark DeRossa is, was, and has always been garbage. How did he end up with this job? He is bad at everything(playing, analyzing, managing). My opinionated 2 cents. Guess you can tell I’m not a fan
  9. emmett16

    WBC 2023

    And because he plays on the west coast and no one sees his games.
  10. emmett16

    WBC 2023

    How has the not been canceled yet. Who the F listeners to a word he says., What an entitled, uninformed, spewer of complete garbage.
  11. emmett16

    WBC 2023

    It had been an absolute success…then Altuve broke his hand. Hope he is ok. Havnt seen any updates
  12. And? He will be an afterthought in 4 weeks. Life goes on and he gets to buy a(few) big houses.
  13. Don’t underestimate the power of human laziness.
  14. “I’ve never had more fun playing baseball in my life” -Mike Trout Players union will have a say in the matter.
  15. Seriously. I have an idea. F playing real Games, let’s promote ESports. No one gets hurt and even out of shape kids can play! It’s safe and equitable.
  16. No chance. Next man up. That’s how sports work.
  17. End the event? No chance. Sucks for the player but he will be an anecdote in a few years. Sad reality of professional sports.
  18. So brutal. Damper on one of the best nights in baseball ever. Absolutely magical game had to end with a sober reminder that they all break.
  19. That ball was absolutely melted.
  20. That is going to be an exciting team to watch IMO.
  21. If the ball isn’t smushed to an oval off the bat then we might have problems! In my experience when solid/productive players aren’t producing, there is typically an underlying nagging physical issue. Doesn’t mean injury, just means he’s not playing at 100%. When you aren’t 100% you try and compensate and your mechanics and timing go out the window. If he and the brass think he’s well enough to play, then I don’t see any issues and imagine he will be fine soon. If he starts getting multiple days and misses more time, that may point to a short stint on IL to get back to 100%
  22. Mullins batting 9th with a triple!!
  23. emmett16

    WBC 2023

    I was listening to MLB Network this evening and heard the story. So cool. To me that is one of the cool parts of WBC. A Czech electrician striking out MLBers, a marketing executive managing GB, and a 21 y/o Nicaraguan getting a contract he otherwise might not have. Good stuff.
  24. Super sad. Was waiting to see if a thread emerged. Sounds like the young man made a big impact with the people he came into contact with. The Orioles were pretty classy with their press release and moment of silence on the field. Always tough to hear. RIP young man and condolences to the family.
  25. Catching is so different now. They are teaching to set up in middle of plate and your body is the target. Right knee down when a RHP is throwing & left knee down with LHP to help counter effect the spin. Good guys will adjust right knee & left knee down depending on curve spin v FB spin and if there is a runner on 1b. Staying as low as possible also gives the umpire a better view of the incoming pitch. Can’t left the ball get more than a few feet away on a block or runner will go. Less movement, distance of travel, force to receive the ball with your belly button helps keep the ball close. Catchers are not giving the glove as location now because they are trying to catch the ball going up into the strike zone. If you are giving a target it’s nearly impossible to stick a low pitch. If you start under the low pitch you can stick it going up and get more calls.
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