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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. Damn. Plan not working out how they imagined it would. Crazy after a 4 pitch 1st.
  2. He def thought Mateo had it and sprinted at the very end.
  3. Back in the lineup tonight.
  4. I’m excited to see Wells pitch. He was the best pitcher in the beginning of the season. He just might be the shot in the arm the team needs.
  5. I believe the Odor quote is from a parody twitter account.
  6. Agreed on Armbruester. Not a very inspiring list. It will be interesting to see who we pick up in trades over the off-season. The pitching crop definitely needs some fertilizer.
  7. It’s go time for DK tonight. Time to see how he pitches with the lights on in a big moment.
  8. It’s gonna take more than 3.5 games back in WC to bring fans back after 5 years of unwatchable baseball. Wouldn’t be surprised if next year, same situation, that there would only be a slight uptick in attendance. It was a rude awakening for me after the 14 years of losing, that so few fans came back in 2012 to watch the magical season. We will never again see early to mid 90’s attendance, even with a prolonged winning window. Now maybe if they win the WS they might see a large uptick in season ticket sales, short of that it’s going to take a lot more than a “competitive team” to get butts in the stands.
  9. Dang. Just saw the box score. Gonna watch the replay to see him & G Rod pitch.
  10. Has anyone checked on the brick wall behind home plate to make sure there are no structural deficiencies?
  11. This season is ip there for me. As a 42y/o I was too young for any World Series or earlier 80’s teams. The ‘89 team was one of the first ones I followed and was heart broken. The ‘96 team was pretty much the first good team I can remember following. ‘97 was an incredible season, but after the 14 years of losing, 2012 was my favorite season. Manny Machado coming up, my son falling in love him, and the thrill of “the curse” finally being over was unreal. I found this site in 2008 and started diving into all the minor league teams and learned so much from all the knowledgeable posters, and when they finally won it was a pretty cool time on the message board. This year has been an incredible ride. Just being able to put the TV on every night and watch a good game has been so enjoyable.
  12. If he can stay at C, he keeps improving with the bat, and he gets a little bigger he could be a lofty ceiling #1 type profile. Lot of ifs.
  13. He doesn’t look terrible behind the plate. The kid cracks me up. He talks to everyone. Umpire, other batters, other defenders in field when he gets hits. He seems like a giant kid out there. I bet the guys in the dugout love him.
  14. Basallo could be that guy, especially his size at C. The lofty numbers he put up this year had some pretty select company as comparisons from seasons past. It would be awesome to see him take that next big step. Edit: typos writing on phone
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