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Everything posted by waroriole

  1. I’m somewhere between 2 and 3. I wouldn’t say the price was steep, I just think Hall could be somebody and I hate giving him away for a one year rental. The best option for a team with such minimal payroll commitments would be free agency. I guess we have to try to evaluate the trade under the details of new ownership, we just don’t know what those parameters will be. If you can spend to make up for the loss of someone like Hall, or can even extend Burnes, it looks a lot better.
  2. No it wouldn’t. Maybe Holliday dazzles everyone in spring, but I still see no scenario where keeping Holliday in Norfolk for three weeks, at least, isn’t the preferred option.
  3. Mateo isn’t a bat. Urias may end up starting at 3B, at least early in the season. I just mean we have a lot of LH batters, we need some RH to balance it out.
  4. I think Norby may be a major league piece. We’re gonna need someone to hit against LHP
  5. I can live with the return. Not ideal, but the two main pieces have uncertainty.
  6. We only get Burnes for 1 year. It’s not that great. But I wonder what the appetite is for an extension now.
  7. Good for you. If it’s on video I don’t need a court conviction.
  8. I assume the outgoing and incoming ownership groups have bigger concerns than Rich’s status. Can’t imagine it’s in anyway related.
  9. John would have to hire a lawyer to do that……because he can’t pass the bar exam.
  10. Why do people keep wanting to sign domestic abusers?
  11. It means he got caught making stuff up but forgot to account for “way too involved” when amending his story.
  12. I’m confused. The owner thanked a reporter instead of admonishing them for speaking on National Hot Chocolate Day
  13. Mayo doesn’t seem that much higher than average against breaking pitches. Interesting that Cowser struggles more with off speed than fastball. A lot of folks talking about Cowser having a slow bat.
  14. Is this a good place to say that guy has always seemed pretentious and I don’t like him? What is it with some scouts who act like they’re wide receivers.
  15. Dear sweet baby Michael Bloomberg, please use your tens of billions of dollars to buy my team a few World Series titles. Daddy Rubenstein please don’t let John Angelos anywhere near the victory parades, unless he’s going to be tied to a post on a float so fans can throw tomatoes at him.
  16. He’s sacrificed himself for his lord John Angelos
  17. I wouldn’t be expecting any increase in payroll anytime soon. Maybe they can add at the deadline but as long as Angelos money is involved, I don’t think they’re gonna be investing much.
  18. Right?? I was just about to say the same thing. Why can’t people just answer what’s asked instead of what they want to answer.
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