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Posts posted by waroriole

  1. 9 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    As great as Elias is, it’s a little maddening that he didn’t address this issue in the offseason.  I know there was some Wells to the pen stuff that he likely felt would help and the injury to Bradish hurt that but still, you knew about that in January. There was plenty of time to make a move or 2.

    We have a great farm system. It’s not going to be used solely for putting players on the field in Baltimore. Use these guys and get some relievers in here.

    He obviously knew Means and Bradish weren’t going to be available to start the season and Wells and Irvin would have to start. Completely inexcusable to not do something to stabilize the bullpen which was already downgraded by going from Felix to Kimbrel. 

  2. Good grief, lose a series to Oakland and everyone loses their damn minds. I’m surprised there weren’t accusations of Kimbrel having money on Oakland.

    What this series does is highlight Elias’s refusal to staff the bullpen in the offseason. He obviously knew Irvin and Wells would he needed in the rotation, but made no effort to bring in anyone beyond Kimbrel. Now we have to trade assets in July for something that could’ve been had for money in the offseason. 

    • Upvote 1
  3. 21 minutes ago, Moose Milligan said:

    Yeah I don’t think Burnes lost the game yesterday considering he wasn’t a part of it. 

    Yeah just like he said not Burnes….

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Malike said:

    I doubt he's going anywhere.

    Seems risky for Oakland to not trade him. He’s gotta be at height of his value around the deadline. Not a FA until 2030, extremely cost controlled, and pumping 100+ consistently. I’d be afraid his elbow would fall off before I could trade him. Not gonna be useful to Oakland anytime soon. 

    • Upvote 1
  5. 53 minutes ago, DocJJ said:

    Game ball #3 goes to Angels Jo Adell for trying to steal with 2 outs and representing the tying run.  Although I think he was actually safe, that is pure idiotic...


    My son's travel team used to do incredibly stupid stuff like that and I'd go ballistic....

    How is it idiotic to try and steal 2B to be the tying run? Especially with a pitcher who doesn’t hold runners and a fast runner at 1B. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

    It’s dumb and ignorant to say his confidence is affected by his futility at the plate after 9 games but after 15 games, maybe?

    You get to see dumb and ignorant every morning when you shave.

    What kind of psycho shaves every morning?

  7. On 4/18/2024 at 2:36 PM, Frobby said:

    Re the “carry over from last year” argument, I was thinking today about Luke Scott in 2009-10.   In 2009, Scott had a .957 OPS at the all star break, but slumped horribly after that and posted a .667 the rest of that season.  Then he had a horrible first 5 weeks in 2010, and as of May 4, had a .604 OPS.  We were hearing all the exact same arguments about how Scott’s bad start was tied to his poor finish in 2009 and spelled long term doom.  Zap - Scott then posted a .964 OPS for the rest of the season.   

    I'm not saying this will happen with Hays, but it’s an example of why I don’t buy the “carry over” argument.  

    Counter: Hays really wasn’t that good in the 1st half last year either. He produced, but was aided by a .389 BABIP in the 1st half, that returned to something closer to his career average (.303) in the second half (.288). 

    Not to say this is who he is now, but I’d say he’s a slightly below average hitter overall who is useful as a platoon partner on this team. The talk about sending him down is silly, but I think Hyde now rightly sees he’s not an every day player given our other options. 

  8. 1 minute ago, 24fps said:

    Hall's not looking too great at the moment.  4 starts, 16 IP, 7.71 ERA. 2.265 WHIP, -0.4 WAR.  As always, command is the issue.  Will that change if he returns to the bullpen?  Who knows, but trading him was hardly a mistake as it stands now.

    Milwaukee is also trying to make him a SP. He looked ready to add to last year’s improvement in the bullpen if kept in the same role. But bullpens are volatile. Who really knows. All the more reason to not trade legit power prospects for bullpen help. 

  9. Norby, but I think it’s very unlikely he gets sent down. I think he probably has through the next home stand before being really evaluated. He’s only in Kyle Stowers territory now. He has some ABs to accumulate. But he won’t keep playing every day. I expect to see more Urias over the next week. 

  10. I think Wells is in the bullpen unless absolutely needed as a SP. So if he’s the only one coming back, I can see him in the rotation. 

    As far as the optionable guys, I don’t really care. Akin and Tate have options and have been bad. Sure send them down. But Baumann is not worth keeping up just because he has options. If Tate or Akin surpass him, I have no problem with a DFA for Baumann. 

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