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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I just read it and one thing is bothering me. Why is everyone referred to by their last name except Sig Mejdal?
  2. If they are looking at an empty class in 2021... We've seen guys get a pretty large bump their last couple years on the ballot.
  3. He'll get a higher percentage but not more votes. Ripken was named on 537 of 545 ballots. Riveria received 425/425. The culling of older voters is what made a unanimous choice possible.
  4. Sure, I was just throwing my support behind Bonds.
  5. Won't bother me, I'm glad they culled those voters that would hold off voting for someone simply because it would make the vote unanimous. A lot of the first ballot guys should have been unanimous.
  6. I was reading something about Jeter being the only one likely to get into the Hall this year and they were talking about steroids and Bonds, Clemens and Schilling and part of the way through it is as if they remembered that Schilling isn't being excluded due to steroid allegations. I chuckled. The didn't mention Roberts.
  7. You never have had an issue with the steroid guys.
  8. So the felon who pleaded guilty. Yea, I recall he said that, I also recall that the judge wasn't having any of it. If it was just to check why did he keep going back in?
  9. First time I voted this year. It was strictly to pick the one that didn't have Tate listed.
  10. Similar to the international players. You still could assign college players to a team correct?
  11. They cut one affiliate from every team then they give everyone left a 5% raise and wait for the pats on the back.
  12. I'm not at all surprised that a poll of players wouldn't include Means,.
  13. And it's going to be crazy if all of a sudden, out of the blue, major consequences are the order of the day. Wouldn't put it past Manfred.
  14. Is that the Clue: Golden Girls edition?
  15. In the library, with a candlestick?
  16. I don't recall the book I read it in but the story is as follows. Team getting shellacked is wondering why the opposing third base coach is standing with his foot in a puddle of water. They dig up said spot to find that a device had been planted that sent electric signals to the third base coach from a guy with binoculars out past center field. The incident in question happened over a century ago. This SI piece mentions that the Indians did something similar to the Astros in 59-60. https://www.si.com/mlb/2019/11/13/sign-stealing-baseball-history
  17. It's been a problem for over a century. Up until a week ago everyone kinda shrugged at this type of gamesmanship. Odd how mobs operate.
  18. Help me out here Frobby. I've lost track. What is the current payment that the O's have to make and is it different from the original ruling?
  19. I'm just guessing here but if the O's were not able to invest the money I don't see why interest would be an issue. Edit- Oh interest has to be paid from April 15th on. That won't be much at all in the grand scheme of things.
  20. The money has been put aside pending the appeals.
  21. I was speaking of the time before the first arbitration (previously to 2012). Obviously for legal reasons the disputed money was set aside.
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