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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. The lottery in the NBA sure stopped tanking.
  2. Any indications that he's been attempting to make that adjustment?
  3. The idea is that more of them would side with the players if they were talking about guys in the minors having a living wage and guys who excelled in their first few years in the league making more than the minimum. It's an easier argument to make than Adam Jones needs a multi-year deal.
  4. But if you can get 1.8 WAR for 550K why pay 4/48 for 2.6/2.0/1.5/1.2 ?
  5. Have any of those early extensions really bit a team? The Kingery one looked bad for a hot second but he had a three win year in 2019.
  6. That and it doesn't hurt to do a marginal player a solid in a situation like this.
  7. The Union should pivot and concentrate on the younger members of the union, but odds are good they won't. You could end up with a schism in the ranks of the Union. If I'm a younger guy I'm not going to be happy if the Union goes to war for the ten year vets while I continue to get shafted.
  8. I wasn't just referring to the 20 seconds this move will carve off of the length of the average game. If they make enough changes to cut off say 10 minutes, does it change anything? What about 20 minutes?
  9. I'd say the family or the board of directors for the team. Angelos is not the sole owner of the club, the minority owners deserve to have their interests looked after.
  10. They did specifically mention the Yankees and Red Sox who did finish first and fourth in runs scored in 2019(both ahead of all NL West teams).
  11. I don't know that his intellectual capacities are currently compromised. Did I miss something?
  12. No evidence exists that Angelos was senile. None.
  13. I like Hall but if you don't have enough power to keep pitchers honest and you don't play a premium position it is going to be rough going, particularly if the K rate is suspect.
  14. Sounds like someone is trying to stay relevant.
  15. His teammates cheating increased his chances of winning. That is a direct benefit. You could also make a case that it caused him less stressful innings if you wished.
  16. If the batters for your team are cheating while you are pitching how are you not sharing in that advantage? I also doubt his sincerity since he is now playing for a division rival. Seems convenient.
  17. I'm totally in favor of looking the other way if he was involved.
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