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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Trust KLaw and his gang to miss the good one.
  2. I do admire how they proved Corporate Thrash was a viable genre.
  3. I was just taking a shot at Metallica. ? We have a couple posters who are big fans and I have a reputation as being a bit of a music snob.
  4. I'm not sure going to a Metallica concert makes someone interesting. I guess Dave Mathews band wasn't in town?
  5. Pretty sure this is it. Hall is looking like a second baseman without enough power to keep pitchers honest.
  6. Where is the value in tying our GM to that incident?
  7. I don't think any correlation between payroll and short relief appearances exist. If anything I would expect the opposite.
  8. Sure, they get caught, hit them hard.
  9. It very possibly does stunt the rebuild, particularly when you are talking about giving pitchers three year deals and will require draft pick compensation. How does signing players with qualifying offers not stunt the rebuild?
  10. All the teams cheat whenever they think they can get away with it right? Also, not sure that was a great decision by Fiers, it isn't as if he wasn't being helped by the illicit activities and yet he comes clean now.
  11. Was Grenier not rushed or is he not a prospect? Sure Elias has his preferences but he is going to be adapt his preferences to the situation the team is in.
  12. It's the injury risk keeping him in pencil. Some guys just keep falling apart after a certain point.
  13. Spoken Korean is not normally regarded as easier. It is a very difficult langue that contains a regularly used sound that is not discernible to some English speakers. Maybe you found Korean easy to learn but your experience is not the norm.
  14. If your experience says they are of comparable difficulty why did you say Korean was "much easier"? I agree that Korean in it's written form is easier to learn but I don't think most players are bothering to become literate.
  15. I'm not writing Cobb's name down in ink after the last two seasons.
  16. Then you could end up with a situation in which a manger bungles his moves and you have a one inning reliever out there that doesn't have his stuff getting lit up while throwing 40+ pitches.
  17. I've always thought that teams should be allowed to hamstring their rosters by having overly narrow roles for players.
  18. I think he's tradeable, he just won't bring back much of anything. Think Jim Johnson.
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