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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. The only way it is not factored in is if you are just using stuff like HR/RBI and ERA to make a determination.
  2. Storm Davis was the best Davis.
  3. You said " Elias is going to want him at Norfolk because that is where that where the pitching is going to be this season ". "The pitching" is, imo, Hall and Rodriguez.
  4. I don't think Hall and Rodriguez are going to be in Norfolk this season.
  5. I agree, I was asking for opinions. I don't think so.
  6. Well 2020 is going to be spent in the minors so pace him out so he doesn't call apart until after 2027. If the CBA changes ride him harder. does anyone think Wieters' TJ was the result of over work?
  7. Didi did not receive a qualifying offer
  8. My views haven't changed. Ride him hard and let someone else pay for the decline.
  9. Means had a wRC+ of 407, that's more than twice what Alvarez had (177).
  10. Love his expression in the picture. Hopefully we won't be seeing it too often when he plays for the O's.
  11. But he qualifies, a list should include all qualified players. I'm also not at all certain that Hays has established himself as an everyday player just yet.
  12. Nope. He somehow fell just short of losing his rookie status.
  13. Except his FIP was around a run lower than his ERA so it would hard to make a case the defense hurt him.
  14. Frees up money for Cole and Rendon. Big money one year deals.
  15. Being on the one of the best teams in baseball instead of one of the worst is also going to help. Voters will have seen more of Alvarez.
  16. I thought Grenier wasn't even a lock to stay at "the six"? https://legacy.baseballprospectus.com/chat/chat.php?chatId=1607
  17. But a couple of at bats.
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