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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Yea, that would be why I said appeared. It is possible that he would have brought back more, but it is also possible he would not have. The extra year of control might have priced him out of the market and the O's would have had to wait until the offseason to attempt to move him.
  2. The Brewers might simply have not been willing to pay a higher price and no other team appeared interested. In which case Schoop would have either stayed an Oriole or gone to the Brewers for the same return. Schoop isn't worth more if no one is willing to pay more. Ultimately the market decides.
  3. They couldn't get an extra year out of Manny. The Brewers non-tendered Schoop, I'm not at all sure an extra year would have improved the return.
  4. I wouldn't bother with a pitcher. Too easy to send them down.
  5. I think so. Offense was down in 2014, low scoring games are "boring" so around the all star break of 2015 more HR. Then this season more HR until the playoffs then it was less HR.
  6. The first week of the playoffs BP put out a piece and one team openly questioned them. Another GM off the record also made a comment. It seems they unjuiced them. Here is the thread I posted about it.
  7. I was using the word in the bolded context. That to me includes shape and seam height. I was also referring to the way the balls were changed at the all star break in 2015. I think that change did include the way the materials were used.
  8. Under the current commissioner they are nimble enough to change the composition of the balls mid-season.
  9. I would only be willing to play those games in pretty extreme cases. Mostly i don't think it's worth it.
  10. I meant 3-4 overall. So last year would have been Vlad JR, Tatis, and Robles. That seems like a better than average class but maybe not.
  11. Yes, unless they change the rules the electronic strike zone would have to be three dimensional.
  12. You lost me. If you hold him back for close to the minimum amount of time than you are looking at six years versus six+ years w/super 2 status. So basically you are looking at one year at Arb 4 which might be more than what two wins will cost in seven years.
  13. I think it will be ushered in with the next CBA. They aren't waiting a decade, not with the way technology is advancing.
  14. I would think that the top 3-4 position players would project to be worth a helluva lot in six years.
  15. Sure, I was fine when they did it with Wieters for instance. Maybe the top 3-4 position player prospects in a given season(if they won't sign a long term deal).
  16. Of course you don't, you love the idea of manipulating service time. You want to do it for pretty much everyone.
  17. I remember that one time when him and Weams tied for most rep received and he got the silver medal instead of the gold. Other than that I'm not sure.
  18. I think the idea of him improving falls more into the wish camp than the likely to happen camp.
  19. I think Mancini played first in High School, in College and in the minors. I think that's enough repetitions to reach your potential.
  20. I don't think many guys improve on defense in their age 28 season. Defense peaks early.
  21. I think he'd much rather have the open 40/26 man roster slots and the one less headache.
  22. I'm not sold that Hays is above average in Center, put him in Right, sure I can see it, but not Center.
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