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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. His defense doesn't warrant him being inserted as a defensive replacement, especially if one thinks Mancini is at least average at first. ?
  2. I'd find this horrifying as a Pirates fan.
  3. I meant if Mountcastle's defense is slightly worse than Mancini's defense in the 2020 season does it make a difference? Not sure how you got pitching out of that.
  4. In the grand scheme of things does it make a difference?
  5. I'm not as worried about injury prone players as some but I do wonder how much of a full season Hays can put up.
  6. So an orioles.com blurb is what you are basing opinions on? Just that? I'll wait until a few more reports come in. From what I have read the main issue with Mountcastle's arm isn't raw strength, it was the throwing motion was unsuited to the infield.
  7. I'll go with Mancini is at most an average 1B defensively. Do you rate a bit of defense at first more highly than the difference in age, cost and years of team control?
  8. Please share, I haven't seen much in the way of reports from his short time in the outfield. I did see some nice Twitter clips but that isn't the same thing.
  9. Pretty sure they don't like it when you sue them. Maybe the O's could try not suing them?
  10. Right partial year, as in "Hey they manipulated his service time.". Why don't you know how old he is? I didn't say a good hitting Mountcastle wouldn't have trade value, but why would you keep Mancini over him?
  11. If he doesn't play well enough to have trade value he won't be traded since it would make more sense to try and further develop him instead of trading low. Trading Mountcastle after a partial year in the majors just doesn't make sense for the O's with their current situation. Not unless some team gives a crazy evaluation.
  12. If Mountcastle plays well enough in 2020 to have trade value why would any team trade him over Mancini?
  13. I am guessing that even with the Lawyer fees the O's ownership have made a mint off of MASN.
  14. I think folks, maybe foolish folks, are confusing folks expecting the team to further cut payroll with folks hoping they further cut payroll.
  15. I don't think that you would put yourself in a situation when you need to win back to back games on the road to survive. I also wonder is you could keep a healthy Scherzer off the mound.
  16. I don't think the Astros ever stopped feeling confident. They've won 116 games so far this season.
  17. I'm just prepared for ownership to be profited oriented.
  18. We don't know what the payroll numbers are for 2020.
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