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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. That is the prevailing line that you hear from basically everyone. I think it has less to do with deep interpersonal ties and more to do with teams artificially limiting the market in order to keep prices down.
  2. I'm not worried about cream. I'll take a full glass of skim milk at this point. Just don't stick me with another half full glass of that powered stuff. I don't think it's an unreasonable expectation that the O's have a top 28 International class this year.
  3. The DSL is the ultimate record doesn't matter league. You can have 17 and 23 year olds playing each other.
  4. Didn't Elias state that the O's wouldn't be trading any slot money from this period?
  5. Like I said, you should have specified. (no way does Smoltz or Ryan qualify)
  6. If you meant top 5 you should have specified that instead of something as vague as "high pick". I figured you meant first round.
  7. 300-400 times? Hyperbole much? It's a valid question and if anyone else had asked it you would agree.
  8. It is a true statement to the best of my knowledge. If you have evidence to the contrary please let me know.
  9. Not sure how making the comment I did in response to your post could be trolling.
  10. Shame they don't have an accurate accounting of how much has been spent.
  11. I don't like the idea of limiting the approach to these catch phrases. You take what the market gives you. If the guy at the top of your draft board is a pitcher, you draft him.
  12. Aside from some stuff about his wife's singing that's the gist of it. I recall part of the (unsubstantiated) rumor being that he had talked to folks about it. No one on record of course.
  13. I find it hard to believe that you missed that (unsubstantiated) story when it came out.
  14. I think room exists for this guy.
  15. The current hubbub aside does anyone do things "the right way" more than the Astros?
  16. I think it is just as likely that Elias trades Smith in for another lottery ticket. He has no plus tools, not one. He's the epitome of a roster filler.
  17. Honestly I'd rather talk to informed fans of other teams than casual Oriole fans. Of course I've never been threatened with violence over baseball.
  18. Could have signed Jose Fernandez for underslot.
  19. Oh Major League II, no wonder I didn't remember it.
  20. I'm not arguing that the catcher isn't part of the process.
  21. I can see Hall rating higher on a list for Fantasy players than he does on a conventional list.
  22. Naw, school isn't for everyone.
  23. Undrafted high school kids can go to college and undrafted college kids have foreign leagues and indy ball.
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