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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Is he signed through 5? If so I think he makes it 5 either way. Either the team struggles and they let him walk or things look really good and he leaves for a higher profile job. Only way he stays if the team is in the might make the wild card range.
  2. I'm going to say that the bump would indeed be insignificant.
  3. Guys have retired and left money on the table. I'm guessing in at least one of those cases the team gave them some of their contract.
  4. He's slower than Davis. Fact is he's slower than everyone aside from McCann.
  5. The whole thing didn't make any sense at all to me until it came out that Taubman had a history of having issues with one of the three female reporters. What a stupid thing to flex over. I'm inclined to think his career in baseball is over given the current climate.
  6. They have no means to stop it. Yes the money is guaranteed but if Davis were to agree to a buyout they would be powerless.
  7. He should start following the Wizards as well, give him even more to rant about.
  8. It wouldn't change what Boras got for brokering the deal.
  9. Not yet. He's at -.5 rWAR for 92M. Red Sox signed Sandoval for 5/96 and he gave them -2.1rWAR.
  10. Elias did trade away millions in slots last signing period.
  11. What a great thread. And this time I voted.
  12. Fred Ferreira was a very big deal and him joining Dan didn't change things. The way they handled their International pool last year, specifically allowing themselves to be outbid substantially on the Cubans, is what led me to believe that it was possible that ownership wasn't willing to fully fund the International market. That and how pleased ownership was with the Gausman trade (which was mostly about shedding payroll). When ownership is obviously concerned with lowering costs and at the same time they are not spending what they could on players, I think it is fair to question finances.
  13. He wasn't an Elias hire correct? I can see how that could be an issue for one or both of them.
  14. I never said no improvement has taken place. My issue has always been if ownership was authorizing the use of funds to the extent allowed by the slotting system. If they had only spent 2M of their 6.4M pool it would indicate that funds might not be available.
  15. You did see that I repped Luke for the correction right? I'm happy that they are spending more. Huge difference between spending 2M and 4.4M.
  16. All this from the guy that did an AMA on Reddit. I for one bought into the idea that he wanted to engage more with fans.
  17. I think that is true of pretty much anyone. Was the main reason I didn't like Buck trying to squeeze a couple more outs from his starters.
  18. You want to bring Guthrie back? In what capacity? You don't think their is bad blood after the Royals incident?
  19. He did allow two inherited baserunners to score in game 3 against the Astros.
  20. I can't accept that if you went up to 10 of these kids and offered them a nice bump from what their "favored" teams are offering that at least half wouldn't jump ship. To me it makes more sense that this is an artificial construct designed by teams to keep prices down. You have to admit it sounds like something baseball would do. Ultimately it doesn't matter which it is, as the effect is the same.
  21. The period from July 2019-June 2020. Do you think being third from worse is unrealistic? My expectations for the 2020-2021 period would be somewhere in the middle of the pack.
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