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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Certainly looks like what you are suggesting with the travel to Baltimore line.
  2. I thought it was trading guys away for marginal upgrades.
  3. Or letting guys get hit with a fine coat of rust. I don't think sweeping leads to any advantage.
  4. To the situation. What relevance do you think it has? You send a guy down because he isn't "ready" then you call him up before playing an inning of minor league ball. How is what he did in 2019 relevant? Ooh I got it, we didn't notice he played a full year at AAA when we sent him down! That could work.
  5. Yea, the plan outlined has him not playing any games. That's worse than the Vlad situation.
  6. I'm not sure about packed. I think they would max out at around 2.75M, which is a far cry from what they did in the 90's.
  7. What relevance does that have? We aren't talking about December 2021. April 2020 isn't far away at all.
  8. Of course, did you expect me to list every change? But we both know that the players were more concerned about quality of life changes. The discussions were civil and ended quickly in an agreement. No one is expecting the next round to be civil or end quickly.
  9. I don't agree, not at all. The extremely slow to develop free agent market the last two seasons have, in my opinion, made an impact. Remember, during the last CBA session the players went to the table asking for things like more days off and better post game spreads. Anyway 13 games is not in the same league as zero games.
  10. Springer played 13 games in AAA before his callup. Would you say the state of affairs between the owners and the union has deteriorated in the interim?
  11. Of course if they were to cut Davis to make room for Mountcastle that would be a big enough distraction to hide an invasion of Poland.
  12. You don't think it would be smart to bring up a topic like that, when they have a strong case, before the next CBA discussion? Would serve as a good way to rally the younger players and start influencing public opinion.
  13. Yep a lot of guys were running that shouldn't have been.
  14. If I'm the Union and the O's do that, and it's not an injury, I file a grievance. It is simply too blatant an attempt.
  15. He's got a button that takes him back to the last channel he was on. The other button is set to Fox.
  16. They could have signed Grant Balfour.
  17. It doesn't just effect homeruns, lower exit velocity and all that. I wouldn't be surprised if it was effecting the break on pitches. As for sac bunts, they mostly lower scoring If you optimize your team for a certain environment it is to be expected that performance will suffer if it suddenly changes.
  18. I think it is going to be more like Stewart, sent down early so the fringe guys can get a better look.
  19. If Elias stays the way he was last spring Mountcastle will be sent down after the second week.
  20. He's old enough. He also had an ERA over 8 last year so I'm not sure he qualifies as dependable.
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