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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. What the heck are you talking about? Brainwashed? Are you familiar with my overly extensive posting history? I am quite sure that the O's were profitable, very profitable, in 2019. I am sure they could spend more on the 2020 team and still be profitable. I am also sure that the owners have expectations when it comes to a return on their investment. Just because the team produces a certain amount of income does not mean that they can then, in turn, spend that income. I think the Orioles and MASN are the chief source of income for the Angelos family.
  2. That's some quality penmanship on display.
  3. Pipe dream? Huh? I don't want them to non-tender Villar. I'd much rather trade him for value. Why would I want them to non-tender him?
  4. I don't hate Villar. I just think the team has a very limited budget.
  5. Of course it is justifiable. "We endeavored to find a trade partner for Villar and failed to do so. Due to a decrease in TV ratings and attendance we needed to lower payroll. Sadly this need caused us to non-tender Villar as his 2020 salary was untenable given our other financial obligations."
  6. A lot of the J2 players don't play in the DSL the year they sign. They play in something called the Tricky league. http://dplbaseball.com/tricky-league-website/
  7. When I was in Norfolk I had a young Seaman ask me if South Carolina was in the same time zone.
  8. I took an "online version" once. I'm assuming it was BS because it was very easy.
  9. He is listed as being four inches taller, so maybe half a head.
  10. That doesn't really count as an achievement in 2019. Mike Yastrzemski hit 20 homeruns at age 28 after failing to do it during his six prior years in the minors.
  11. Are him and Andrew Vaughn (2019 1-3) in different generations?
  12. Not sure how smart the Astros were, they flipped Hader to the Brewers in the Mike Fiers deal.
  13. I've said this before but I've read that with cases like Hall part of the walk issue might be that the hitters are so overmatched they don't swing. Hopefully with an increase in competition this won't be an issue.
  14. I was speaking more of a trade.
  15. I've discussed this before and I'll admit the NBA isn't a strength. But if you look at MJ's shot chart and you look at the shot chart of any successful NBA player today they are almost complete opposites. Jordan played before analytics became a thing and his game was predicated on shots that are seen today as inefficient. He'd have to change his game drastically since I'm not at all sure any team would revamp their team offense around his style of play.
  16. I saw he had a podcast and some videos.
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