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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. And Davis is saved! It is always good to have more slots open.
  2. I've said we don't know the total spent. I've been nothing but upfront about that.
  3. What evidence? They didn't spend money last year and it looks like they still have a bunch to spend this year. Once they actually spend their full allotment we will have evidence to the contrary.
  4. I don't think it is at all "goofy" for me to be skeptical that the sons will allow Elias to spend 6M+ on International players given what we know about the team's past behavior. I think the O's are very much in a money saving mode and that might extend to limiting Elias' budget in some areas beyond ML payroll. I certainly don't think it should take three years to get where every other team is at.
  5. And yet the Rays swooped in and grabbed that player that was linked to the Yankees when the Yankees had trouble trading for more slots. If every other team can find ways to spend the money it makes no sense that the O's can't. The Orioles traded away a ton of slots last year after the July 2nd kids were gone. Obviously other teams felt there was value to be had beyond the high profile kids with pre-existing deals. Are you fine with the O's only spending say 3M this year? Is that enough progress for you?
  6. That's fine as I was only speaking for myself.
  7. I don't know. Elias said that he wasn't planning on trading any slots this year, which would indicate he thought he could spend it all.
  8. Hard to tell. This is old but I haven't seen any updates. https://www.mlb.com/orioles/news/international-prospect-signings-july-2-2019 While it is encouraging that they spent 400K+ on three players the total pool is $6,481,200. I guess they still have at least half of that left when you add in the less highly regarded players.
  9. Sure, once they: Cut Davis Spend their full allotment on International players At that point I'll believe he actually has full control.
  10. They remembered who they were.
  11. That just looked all kinds of painful. Bet he's glad he's got the day off tomorrow.
  12. Maybe Hays gets that 6th at bat...
  13. I love how they are just calling it as if he had no chance to make a play.
  14. Looks like he's going to be sore as can be in the morning.
  15. Which would be why Hays needs to hand over the award.
  16. It's petty of me but I'm pleased.
  17. They need to lay off high 98 MPH fastballs.
  18. E-Rod up over 100 ptiches, how bad do they want to get him #20? He's at 115. If the O's don't give up a run here do they send him back out?
  19. Givens has had a down year but he's hardly unviable.
  20. One year left but the Red Sox keep talking about how they want to get under the cap and they only have so many ways to cut payroll.
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