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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. You do have to work out to see gains. You can't just stick in a needle and sit on the couch with a bag of Cheetos.
  2. You can also get leaner, from a muscular start, by eating less, lifting lighter weights and not doing more reps. Which is pretty similar to just not working as hard. I've never said that I think he's stopped working entirely. If it was just the body size and not the body size, him lying about working with his old hitting coach and his decrease in foot speed I might not have the opinion I do.
  3. That would assume he's eating the same diet as he was when he was maintaining a more muscular frame. He was probably eating 3K calories a day in the second picture.
  4. Just in case anyone didn't get it when I was talking about Buck in this thread I was referring to Buck Britton.
  5. To me it points to the fact that he isn't putting the work in. If he's not maintaining his physique and he is lying about working with the hitting coach in the offseason than it is safe to assume he isn't putting in the needed work to stay a ML player.
  6. Fair chance Buck will be next after Hyde.
  7. That's easy. MLB wants to move the team and won't authorize the sons as owners once Peter dies. They will force a sale to the owner of their choice who will move the team to ....
  8. If Maddon leaves he's going to end up someplace that is a lot closer to competitive than the O's. I've read the Padres would make a push.
  9. Why should anyone care? You don't win anything for it. The farm is the farm and five less at bats for Hays doesn't change it.
  10. I think the second they is a combination of organic evolution of baseball strategy and MLB manipulation.
  11. I just replied with nearly the same comment.
  12. Right now he is but if he keeps playing he'll lose his eligibility.
  13. You asked how guys even get to 20. I agree 30 isn't happening until someone has the guts to reinvent the pitching staff.
  14. Eduardo Rodriguez is at 19, has a start left and hasn't had that dominant a season.
  15. I think it is more likely folks were either exaggerating or simply poor at judging distance.
  16. Honestly it may be. The standards are written with huge tolerances.
  17. Ruzious had the gist of it. That Lynn wasn't willing to play, when he was with the O's ad least, unless he was at 100%. .I can see a guy not willing to fight through the little nagging stuff when his team needed him would rub others the wrong way.
  18. I've read the Boswell piece on him that was in The Heart of the Order. If what was written was accurate I can see why it would hurt his case.
  19. Does winning the wildcard game count as winning a playoff series?
  20. It can't be one thing to you and another to me?
  21. It's still a dumb criteria. Heck the #1 guy ain't even in. ?
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