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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. No one to be upset about the lack of a souvenir.
  2. The situation is that Hays is playing in his 17th ML game and he just took a HR away from Vlad JR.
  3. https://www.lookoutlanding.com/2013/9/26/4773482/a-brief-history-of-brian-mccann-fun-cop
  4. But that little dance Jones did is fine? Odd lines you draw. They are kids, let 'em be kids. Vlad didn't mind.
  5. I'm not sure how this idea that Buck, as Orioles manager, was some sort of hard case to the players. He let guys get away with a LOT, Machado being the prime example.
  6. You said that sort of thing " Never would have happened under Buck.". You don't think Adam's little sidestep is showboating? Unless of course you mean Buck would have ripped a rookie for doing the type of stuff a vet was allowed to do. You might be right if that was the point you were making.
  7. https://www.mlb.com/cut4/adam-jones-makes-leaping-catch-dances/c-183459876 And now on Sprockets is when we dance. (after a catch)
  8. Good thing in my opinion. It is already a hitter's league.
  9. Any word on if they are using the ML ball or the minor league ball?
  10. The plan from the start was to transition him to the bullpen.
  11. Why would you want Smith on the bench?
  12. The 16 year olds signed this season aren't playing in games yet.
  13. Would have been a rough labor.
  14. Every minor league hitter is also a professional hitter.
  15. Going to depend on what the wall is made of. If it's a wall of fire velco won't help at all.
  16. Sounds like he got an old school Oriole physical.
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