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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I don't think anyone is buying a ticket to see Villar.
  2. These, are something close to these, are mine. Lasted over two years so far so I can't say they were a bad investment.
  3. Maybe he'll wait until May of 2022 to better align him with the O's next window of contention?
  4. I'm sure you know my response. Anyway, this is Florida, sandal style footwear is the norm. Longs as you don't pair them with socks.
  5. Not even a little, wear them around the house. Have tile floors. At least it ain't Crocs.
  6. No worries, I've had the issue under control for some time. This is just maintenance.
  7. I wear them to deal with my plantar fasciitis.
  8. Compared to fantasy hockey. I don't think it is near as big as football. (or the NCAA BB tournament) I think baseball being harder to gamble on has been a factor in it's decline in popularity.
  9. Fantasy football is a type of gambling.
  10. Sure, it's much easier to gamble on.
  11. Huge jump? It is always going to be the same level of jump, whenever he takes the leap. It won't be any easier next May. On the defense note, I'll repeat what I have been saying. It would be better for him to get reps in the majors instead of sitting at home.
  12. 1- If they think the mere presence of someone like Davis is detrimental to young players they need to get him off the roster. If he feels that strongly on the topic he needs to go to ownership and make it happen or quit. You can't have a guy on the roster that you feel that way about. 2- I'm not sure what you are trying to say. How is sitting at home better for him? 3- 40 man roster, plenty of room for him, don't play Davis and Trumbo. I also think that being on the roster and working with the staff is preferable to sitting at home even if he doesn't get into games. No reason they can't get the roster straightened out by next spring.
  13. But why not work on it at the ML level during a non-competitive season? What is the downside? Also, not as if LF is a skilled position. Spring training should be enough time to get him up to speed. This is 100% service time.
  14. At least he's replacement level as a pitcher.
  15. The O's are obligated to send players so someone will have to go.
  16. They can't acknowledge that they are planning on doing something which is a violation of the CBA.
  17. I agree but if Stewart isn't playing I'd rather Mountcastle was instead of Trumbo.
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