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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. There is not a single player in the system that I am worried about them gaining 5-10 status.
  2. Hence me saying "also" as if the trade protection was a separate concern. Also it isn't a NTC, it's his right as a 10-5 player.
  3. I don't think any team is going to trade for Davis. Davis also has full no trade protection.
  4. He's got a split finger. From the pen he should be just throwing those two an overwhelming amount of the time.
  5. Yea, they know that Davis can't play anymore and he's bringing the rest of the team down because he's owed a lot of money. Maybe they know that they got sent down because Davis is taking up a spot on the 25.
  6. I'm hoping this one gets the highest bid.
  7. Money owed is the most important factor in if you are on the team.
  8. I think having someone in Davis' position around causes potential problems beyond blocking players or using up a roster space. I don't think it sends a positive message to the rest of the team.
  9. Pretty sure we need more dongs.
  10. I'd have agreed to relatively logical if they had given him to say the all star break. Not the full season and it sounds as if he's expected back next spring.
  11. It isn't logical for it to have dragged along as long as it has. Once you remove logic from the decision making process who knows what will come next.
  12. Don't lie, we are on page 38.
  13. Thanks for the information on player ages, puts their performance in prospective.
  14. Maybe they are counting one day in the majors in a given year as a full year? Using that logic Corban Joseph has had a three year MLB career at this point.
  15. The numbers being cited don't include minor league baseball, the NBA's developmental league or the Arena league.
  16. I think a lot of NFL guys are in and out in a couple years and don't make more than the minimum.
  17. Apparently. I'm just curious how far it extends. For him to still be on the roster shows they are already unreasonable.
  18. Union can't stop a buyout. I wonder if Davis' camp approach ownership with a buyout if they could even get in the door? I could see the old man refusing.
  19. All of that might be meaningless. One thing has to happen, ownership needs to sign off on it.
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