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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. He'd make a great watching third base while taking strike three coach.
  2. And Cadyn Grenier is older than both of them. Woot, got my Grenier dig in for the week already.
  3. Well that's 3K more than three minutes ago so another 20 minutes should be a nice crowd.
  4. I'm hoping Davis shows up at camp thirty pounds overweight and just dares the team to do something about it.
  5. Wasn't he being booed by those fans the other night? For being injured.
  6. How much guaranteed money is he leaving on the table?
  7. Realistically how fast can the appeals get shut down and this judgement finalized?
  8. I mean, I guess if he was at a hospital that was on the way home from work I might stop by, if I didn't have anything interesting to do.
  9. Spring training would be bad, opening day roster much worse.
  10. I read it as The owners won't let Elias cut him so they are trying to get him to actually prepare for the season.
  11. Or what they release him and have to pay him? Pretty sure Davis can show up looking like Bro Thor and the O's can't do anything about it.
  12. I think he's still have to put work in at this point. And buy the good stuff.
  13. I'm not suggesting he would do the work, heck I was leading the he's not doing the work charge. I was just stating that I think his realistic, no little Yaz universe, ceiling is replacement level.
  14. If he put in all the work maybe replacement level.
  15. I'm grandfathered in. I was afraid I'd lose it when I had to switch cards but they reached out to me to continue it. I was just letting you know it is possible. Tell you what, I'll check my back emails when I get a chance and see if I can find something from them, if I do I will PM you.
  16. Maybe the casual fan doesn't realize the importance of what is at stake between these two teams. O's should have hyped up the battle for the second overall pick.
  17. I would have thought the term middle infielder would have made that clear.
  18. They have them, they are called team options.
  19. Could impact an insurance payout.
  20. What could go wrong with extending a middle infielder into his 30's? It worked great the last two times.
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