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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Can you imagine Trachsel with the pitch clock?
  2. I think it would be fine for a group of three or four to share. I'm mostly wondering what the heck brick sauce is? I would have thought it would have normal donkey sauce.
  3. Someone at the game go ahead and get one of these and give us a review.
  4. But your classic #2 hitter isn't one of your best hitters. He's a guy that can waste an out bunting your leadoff hitter over.
  5. But if they do that they will, as a whole, be less effective. That will lead to more scoring, longer innings, more pitches, more walks. Guys aren't going to go back to trying to slap oppo singles just because the pitchers aren't throwing as hard.
  6. I think his K rate is going to keep his average closer to 250.
  7. You are just asking to be no hit.
  8. I'd prefer Jon Miller. Gary Thorne ain't walking through that door.
  9. I don't want Elias to get into the habit of leaving ML ready prospects in the minors to rot.
  10. It's not as if Cease has pitched poorly thus far.
  11. DJ Stewart had a dong last night.
  12. Maybe three years like Norby.
  13. It is. But so was watching guys you know had no future with the team. At least for me.
  14. That's why I've been so negative for the last decade plus, it's all an elaborate reverse jinx.
  15. It's like the team is all derpy derp and then Boom!, they have the lead.
  16. Someone has been spending too much time looking at the Norfolk Boxscores.
  17. Only good thing in that King Kong remake.
  18. That's a fine age to see it, if the parents aren't in the room with you.
  19. Which? I love the original but man, young me enjoyed the remake on cable as a teen.
  20. Beats Cowsie or whatever Buck was calling him.
  21. You are advocating for a guy with a 256 OBP (coming into the game) batting leadoff? Cool.
  22. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p06spb8w It's pretty entertaining, they are adapted to the modern day. Pretty well done.
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