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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. He might not have faced a position player pitching since...well, high school.
  2. Chapman brought back Torres in 2016. I wouldn't be shocked if he had made a top 20 list by that point.
  3. Ahh that's it. Apple forced the promotion to get a ratings bump. It all makes sense now.
  4. I thought the Rockies had a magic 8 ball in the GM role?
  5. Best theory I have heard is that Fanatics screwed up his uniform.
  6. He really help bring the fanbase together.
  7. I think when it was at that stage each team would only be eligible for one pick.
  8. Ms Jackson if you're nasty.
  9. I think the Orioles FO knew the Yankees were good. The only folks I saw dismissing the 2024 Yanks were on this board.
  10. As long as they don't get caught, I don't care. Too many guys used and got away with it for me to worry about the integrity of the game.
  11. Look bad to whom? Guys sitting at their computers in their living rooms?
  12. I'm sure that Dad can hook him up with the stuff that doesn't show up on tests.
  13. Free agent deals are. Arbitration deals aren't. Guy from the Giants got cut this spring.
  14. Once again we run into the idea that if a guy isn't plus he's incapable.
  15. That Hall callup was wonky. I wouldn't pay any attention to that.
  16. I think we missed the Cadyn, Aiden craze. They should be well into their 20's by now. I guess they just weren't athletic.
  17. No way his boss falls for it.
  18. You can't count the PA against position players.
  19. Great, glad to see it. I also don't understand the timing. I don't see what makes him more ready today than he was a week ago.
  20. That's why I asked. I can't think of anyone recent, but honestly I didn't follow other team's farm systems all that closely 20 years ago.
  21. Since the reserve clause went away? Back in the day lots of teams would stash guys.
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