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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. He has a reputation for being apathetic.
  2. Sucking up to the owner is usually a solid move.
  3. I think the "I don't like baseball" stuff is overstated a bit with him but yea, it looks like he's here for the paycheck and the paycheck only.
  4. They spent a 1-2 pick on a guy that I don't think anyone expected to end up in the middle.
  5. You think that but I was very close to going with a Jontay Porter reference.
  6. It is a good sign that they haven't moved him to the 60.
  7. Nope. Just that they don't need to move him to the 60 yet.
  8. Make sure to update this when you are done.
  9. You'd be moving three people into new roles at the same time. The people you are moving up might not have the required skill set for the new roles. Considering how he continued to run the draft when he got his current role, I think Elias would have issues walking away from his current responsibilities and would attempt to do both jobs. Makes much more sense to simply hire an experienced CEO to take on a role that isn't about baseball, it's about running a business.
  10. I was wondering why I couldn't sleep last night.
  11. That's easily rectified. Just start calling the catcher Pudge.
  12. I didn't bother to read the post but here is some mediocre Floyd.
  13. I'm curious if they are going to load manage Judge.
  14. I think them adding Kemp disproves that position.
  15. They were drawing 3.5M a year, they could afford the highest payroll in the league, had a winning record. They were in fine shape when he bought the team.
  16. The team was under .500 those years. They weren't that great. They had a nice little run, shame they couldn't cash in like the Royals did.
  17. Yea, I don't think a player with Boras as his agent is going to get more in an Arb 2 hearing over any other competent agent. Makes me question why any player would bother with Boras (I'm assuming he costs more) before they are looking at a long term deal or Free agency. Most guys probably don't even need an agent for the first three seasons, just pay a good lawyer an hourly fee to do the paperwork.
  18. We had a team go 0-21 to start a season and the O's under Angelos had three separate teams that lost more games. Zero rings, zero WS appearances. For multiple stretches during his tenure as owner the O's were a national punchline among baseball fans and O's fans were the subject of pity from other fanbases. I think that take overly weighs the potential of the current situation.
  19. If he prenegotiated with the team that had the first pick he had a pretty good idea he was going first overall. Boras doesn't do any heavy lifting for his clients during the drafting process through the arbitration years. Just isn't much room to maneuver.
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