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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Why? I'd like to see them attack pitches they think they can drive.
  2. Some of us don't care. To be honest I'd find it extra pleasing if the O's were to win today in front of Papi.
  3. That would be a leak, not an official declaration of guilt. Remember no Red Sox players were mentioned in the Mitchell report. Something that I am sure was a complete coincidence and had nothing to do with Mitchell having ties to the team. I'm sure he used. I'm sure a lot of guys used. He's not officially considered a user, is part of how he got in the Hall.
  4. I don't think Ortiz was every officially found guilty of anything. Just leaks and speculation. I wouldn't group him with the Dee Gordons and Brian Roberts of the sport.
  5. What two were found guilty? As far as I am concerned Jeter was cheating that time he lied about getting hit with the ball. But lots of folks think that type of "gamesmanship" is acceptable.
  6. I also post music. I'm super impressed you decided to make a comment about my large number of posts, you are first person how had run out of actual arguments and decided to go that route. Pretty surprising it took that long to have someone hit me with that scathing attack! I'm chastised and promise to do better.
  7. How are you going to keep the mudslides out of the stadium?
  8. Do you have some sort of reading comprehension issue? I just said I underestimated how much they would let him pitch and you give me a crystal ball comment?
  9. This is their third trip in the last five seasons, that ain't bad. Way better than Boston over that time period.
  10. How is not being surprised the same as foreseeing something? I can see how someone would not be surprised that someone who is coming back from TJ surgery is having some issues with soreness. I figured they would have kept him on a five inning limit.
  11. The deadline move. They've already demoted Irvin earlier in the season.
  12. I can't control the outcome so it is silly to me to get "very upset" about it. It's short series baseball, I hope they win but I realize that even at this stage they are more likely to fail than succeed. Someone is probably going to accuse me of not being a real fan again...
  13. I have a hard time working myself up to very upset when it is a matter of a group of folks I don't personally know playing a game against another group of folks I don't personally know. I guess I'm not young enough anymore to get that level of invested in something I can't in any way influence.
  14. From the ALDS preview. https://blogs.fangraphs.com/alds-preview-baltimore-orioles-vs-texas-rangers/
  15. If you didn't purposefully misrepresent what he was saying you have a very poor understanding of what is being discussed. I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. But hey, if you'd rather own up to it being ignorance...
  16. You shouldn't purposefully misrepresent other posters. It's poor etiquette.
  17. I don't get the Berrios move hate. I mean I get it, the move didn't work so folks are pointing at it but lets not act like he was dominating out there. Didn't he allow at least one base runner each inning? The Jays didn't score in the game. Does anyone think Berrios was going to throw a CG shutout? To me the big error in the game was Vlad's baserunning.
  18. Some do transform, but isn't it sensible to wait until you have a larger data set? How good did Mateo look early in the season? I'm pretty sure I read a piece about how he worked with the coaches and this time the change was real. Guys can have a whole season worth of outlier data.
  19. Ogre joined forces with the Nerds in the second movie.
  20. Good for MLB. Maybe I'll stop reading posters suggesting that players step into potholes.
  21. Like a biomathematician working for NASA with degrees in mechanical engineering and aeronautical engineering?
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