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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Obviously I think the minor league experience is overrated, at least when it comes to a certain caliber of player. I expect him to struggle if he is brought up early this year, but I think it will lead to a better career overall. Unless of course the hit tool is borked in which case time in the minors won't fix it.
  2. Yep. I don't like how they use generation talent so readily. I blame Boras. You will notice I left Trout off my little list.
  3. Maybe 20-21 isn't too young? He turns 21 in June. Tatis, Machado, Harper, Acuna, Soto. We've seen this before. Recently.
  4. Been a lot of once in a generation types coming up the last few years.
  5. I think that in almost all cases they know who is making the team before camp starts, especially when it comes to younger players. I don't think Daiz, for example, can do anything to make the team out of Spring if it had already been decided he was going to get sent down.
  6. Because, generally speaking, the faster a player reaches the majors the better their career. He turns 21 in June. Lots of highly touted guys are in the majors at 20-21.
  7. If it was good enough for Johan Santana...
  8. Do you think that applies so much to guys out of the bullpen? They go an inning or two at a time and generally only throw two pitches.
  9. I would have protected him over taking a pair of rule V guys.
  10. So it isn't that they were first round picks?I So some like Jake, who had first round talent but dropped due to signability will get the same chances?
  11. As a rule? Nope. Do you think Josh Hart got extra chances? Do you think Cayden is getting preferential freatment? I think what another poster said a few days ago is closer to the mark. What made them a first round pick in the first place is why guys get an extra chance. Tanner Scott is a sixth round pick but he was given tons of chances, because he's got a big arm.
  12. I think that most guys come into spring training a lot closer to regular season velocity these days.
  13. How it effects both present and future payroll.
  14. I don't care about the stats at all. I'll look at the underlying data, particularly if someone is playing at one extreme or another.
  15. We could get the guys that Astros don't want? Or the Angels, you see what they did with Bundy?
  16. Please don't feed Moose's opinions. Dude was drafted in 2010 what relevance is his draft status? If he signed in 2007 as a third round pick would he be less highly regarded now?
  17. You pick that nit but don't correct him for saying DL instead of IL? You have to go for the low hanging fruit.
  18. I'm telling you it is all part of the plan to get the pitchers to strike out more hitters. If they think the guy at third can cleanly field a ground ball they'll pitch to contact.
  19. Win percentage isn't the measure. Also, short season. The O's were already fading in a 60 game season.
  20. So you are saying they are already a year behind?
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