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Posts posted by Ridgway22

  1. 14 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

    Let's just say I think he has a lot of the tools to play there now, but needs more consistency (too many errors) and I think he's ultimately going to outgrow the position. 

    Remember, he's 6-5, 230 pounds at 21 years old. He's going to be a beast when he fills out. 

    Modern day version of Harmon Killebrew. Frank Howard. Yes, Please.

  2. 2 hours ago, Flash- bd said:

    Also had a double and a walk. OPS up to .956. I am getting very, very excited about this young man. 

    Do we need to start a GoFundMe to get this young man a first baseman's mitt?

  3. 2 hours ago, Moose Milligan said:

    ....Ryan Mountcastle. 

    I hate to say it but I can’t stand it anymore......

    Thanks Moose for saying what needed to be said. I had high hopes for RM when he came up, envisioning him as middle of the order monster spraying hard hit rockets all over the yard. He'll learn plate discipline, I thought, he just needs the experience...... well, mark another thing I was wrong about. 

    Even Gunnar, as rough as his start has been, you see the "pro" in his at bats, and he's but a pup. Mateo gave me baseball woodrow with his hot start, but "He's exactly who we thought he was!" in the end. Love his D and speed, but he's a Belanger-esque black hole at the plate. 

    If you wanna run with the big dogs, you've got to get off the porch. Cowser up to RF, Santander to 1B/DH, more O'Hearn, depress the gas pedal on Heston K's arrival., and let the Joey Ortiz era at SS begin, at least until some baby-faced kid I've been hearing about in the low minors is ready. Westburg? Hmmmm.

    I'm not saying I've got the answers, but change HAS to be coming with Mateo and especially Mountcastle. I'd rather do it early enough we can reverse it if it proves to be a disaster scenario. But if we're contenders, there is never going to be a perfect time to feather in the new talent. 

    Come October, I want the best possible 26 settled in, and ready to reign terror on the FMY, Rays, 'Stros, etc.

    • Upvote 2
  4. 8 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

    Over his last 20 games, the 21-year old Mayo is slashing .306/.414/.583/.997 with 6 2b, 1 3B, and 4 HR to go along with a 12-24 K-BB in 87 PAs. 

    He's only had 2 PAs against a pitcher younger than him this year. 

    Am I reading that right? walking twice as much as he's striking out? 

  5. 34 minutes ago, clapdiddy said:

    Would love to see a WS championship here, but even making the playoffs would be fantastic.   Once you get to the playoffs it's a roll of the dice.   Kind of like 2014...the Orioles were probably the best team in the AL, but KC got hot at the right time.  

    It's great to have a team that you feel will compete every night.  

    KC got hot, and we were missing Wieters, Machado, Davis. That still stings.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Can_of_corn said:

    Derek Jeter.

    LOL, that is an awesome reference.


    On Jeter's 2010 Gold Glove Award: 

    Jeter’s -4.7 UZR wasn’t anywhere near the top—in fact, it was third-worst among AL shortstops. That’s a full 15.5 runs—the equivalent of nearly two wins—behind the rightful Gold Glove winner, the White Sox' Alexei Ramirez.

    The biggest flaw in Jeter’s game is his abysmal range. 

    Jeter committed only six errors, compared to Ramirez’s 20. But for every extra error Ramirez made, he also completed five more putouts and got 10 more assists. The plays Ramirez flubbed may have been more obvious than the mistakes Jeter made, but the fact of the matter is that Ramirez was a more effective defender.

    Jeter’s -11.8 Range Runs ranked second-worst in the league. Keep in mind that he’s a shortstop, meaning his primary job is to cover a lot of ground. How can a fielder win a Gold Glove when he’s one of the worst in the business at getting to the ball?

    Only twice since tracking began in 2002 has Jeter posted a positive UZR; over that time, he’s been worth -42.5 runs on defense—and that’s being generous. Total Zone has him at -60 runs over that stretch and an absolutely awful -131 runs in his career.



  7. 7 hours ago, Frobby said:

    Gunnar hasn’t made many bad throws lately.  And honestly, Mountcastle is very mediocre at handling bounced throws.  He kind of stabs at the ball; sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn’t.  For a guy who played SS and 3B for 3 years in the minors, he doesn’t have very soft hands.  With a little experience, I think Santander could be as good or better.  

    Last two games, I thought Santander looked pretty comfortable, he says with a tinge of surprise in his voice. He handled a couple not-ideal throws and made the plays he had to. Ultimate SSS, but I agree with the tone of this thread in that this move has a Cowser shadow......

    • Upvote 1
  8. Are you not entertained!!!!!

    When he first came up in 2018, I wouldn't have been shocked if he was Xavier Avery 2.0, but he instantly became one of my favorite players at the beginning of that dark period of fandom. I'm happy as a beaver in a softwood forest in spring that he's still with us and kicking butt.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 14 minutes ago, interloper said:

    It really reminds me of Zach(k) Britton's Cy Young-contending 2016. 

    0.54 ERA, 0.836 WHIP, 47 saves. 4.1 WAR as a freaking relief pitcher. 

    Just an incredible season. 

    Yeah, and he topped it off with that gutsy and gritty 3 inning performance in the wild card game.


    Oh, Wait.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Someone needs to remind Mr. Cano that selling one's soul for athletic prowess is not a good long-term life decision.

    I've been watching Major League Baseball for XX (insert large number here) years, and I don't think I've ever seen anything like this, as far as someone with his track record coming out of nowhere and doing historic things. And he's apparently unflappable. Closed out the 9th tonight, a one run lead against the best team in baseball, on 8 pitches. Bautista seems like he's averaging that number of pitches per hitter.

    Color me impressed.




    • Upvote 3
  11. On 4/26/2023 at 5:32 PM, Just Regular said:

    Taijuan Walker five starts into his 4/72 PHI contract upgrading the Kyle Gibson role left his game tonight with forearm tightness.

    We'll see how things unfold the rest of the decade but one of the things I believe is a tenet of Decision Sciences is you just don't pay long for any Arm.

    Maybe 2 years if you rent a Hall of Famer and he wins you a World Series.

    The longer I watch baseball, the more this seems to ring true. Stud vet on a short-term deal, yes. Kevin Brown 7/105, Hampton 8/128, Zito 7/126, Rodon 6/162,  etc. etc., NO. 

  12. 9 hours ago, Yossarian said:

    It would be nice for Stowers to figure his swing out and get called back up.   He has the power - he just never got much of a chance to settle into the bigs with regular ABs.  I would like to see him get another opportunity. 

    I am still baffled by the way they handled him once they called him up and early this year.

  13. On 4/26/2023 at 12:59 PM, ChosenOne21 said:

    I've always been skeptical of Westburg's left-side defense, but it's looking more and more like he has the bat for 1B if need be

    If the bat plays, you'd think a SS / Middle Infielder could be a plus 1B. 

  14. On 4/26/2023 at 10:50 AM, Frobby said:

    Good analysis of Mountcastle here, concluding that he’s been as unlucky as his wOBA/xwOBA differential suggests.  But, the lack of walks is a self-inflicted wound.  https://blogs.fangraphs.com/ryan-mountcastle-is-having-a-weird-one/

    Anecdotally, my frustration with Mounty at-bats is very similar to my Adam Jones frustrations from bygone days. It's a tease / tantalizing hope and prayer that if they can just learn to just lay off the out-of-the-zone offerings pitchers are serving (because they have a track record of fishing for them), pitchers would be forced to give in and throw them something they could barrel up, or, walk them.

    Instead, it's like me when I see a tall blonde playing beach volleyball, I have no known defenses, puppy chasing fire truck, and I get (justifiably) smacked in the nuts by the wife. Then you see, on my face, the exact same look you see on Mounty's when he flails at yet another strike three that is two zip codes distant from the strike zone.

    Now, to bring this current, watching Adley, Gunnar, and even Vavra, work counts, take pitches, and lay off the non-competitive crap, the contrast with Mountcastle is even brighter and even clearer. If Heston Kjerstad has the AR, GH, TV strike zone discipline, I'd be more than willing to see what we've got there, when he's ready, of course, or next Tuesday, whichever comes first.

    I've been a big Mountcastle fan since he came up, but we're no longer tankers, we're contenders. Having due notice thereof, you may govern yourself accordingly.








    • Upvote 2
  15. 4 hours ago, Gurgi said:

    Real nice opposite field power on display.  

    Yes, it is. Very pretty swing. And this, combined with the oppo homer he blasted in spring training, I'm getting very curious what Mr. Wowser can do in the .......

    grandes ligas!!!!




  16. On 4/24/2023 at 6:40 PM, Can_of_corn said:

    I'm not one to jump to tipping conclusions but....

    Wow, hadn't thought of that, and didn't pick it up during the game, but........ didn't with Andy the Yankee in 2001 WS either.......

  17. 2 hours ago, Sanity Check said:

    How does anyone know if Cano was a "throw-in" vs. someone else we scouted and wanted in order to make the trade.  No one in the front office comes out and labels guys "throw ins."  Why do we assume this guy was a throw in, like he was a guy that Minnesota just wanted to be rid of??  Honest question.....

    Per Tony at the time of the trade. Povich was the key guy, the rest, label them as you will:

    "Ok, just getting caught up on this thanks to being in meetings this morning. My take: Povich is the headliner and although I have not gone and watched him yet (I'll do that tonight) all reports is that he's adding velocity and..."

  18. 10 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

    He reportedly tweaked some things in his delivery that has allowed him to get more consistent release points and more movement. It's quite the story so far. I liked him a bit stuff wise when I watched some video him after the trade, but his command was all over in the majors and I was worried he was a major league yips guy. I think we can put that worry to bed now that he's staring guys down after some filthy strikeouts. :D

    I think you posted a video of an immaculate inning in the minors? Looking like that was a preview.

  19. 10 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

    That one looked like a knuckle ball.  No spin.

    On this little screen in the forum, it looked exactly like a whiffle ball in the back yard. Moved sideways. Mr. Elias, please keep making trades and getting these kinds of throw-ins. (Even if the traded player has a 99mph sinker)

    • Upvote 1
  20. 56 minutes ago, jabba72 said:

    Im kind of shocked the Twins included him as kind of a throw-in in the Lopez trade. He's the biggest piece right now. 

    Is this the filthiest changeup ever?








    At 90 with that movement? If it ain't, it will do until the filthiest gets here.......

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