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Posts posted by survivedc

  1. 51 minutes ago, SteveA said:

    I'm going to be pissed off if the Orioles win tomorrow night.

    They have EARNED  this celebration, if they aren't so hungover they can barely see the ball straight tomorrow, they ain't doing it right.


    Remember what it was like to be 23-26? You didn’t get hung over. You just got up and did it again.

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  2. 6 minutes ago, OriolesMagic83 said:

    It was nice to see them finish well short of the playoffs, but I was hoping for a sub .500 finish.  Nowhere near the many terrible seasons the O's have had over the last 30 years since the Yankees last finished under .500. 

    They’ve still got 3 against Toronto and 3 against the Royals who are on a 6 game win streak. Don’t give up hope yet!!

  3. 12 minutes ago, Sanfran327 said:

    I don’t think there’s much more to it. I don’t think they’re choking, I don’t think they have the yips, and I don’t think they’re cursed. This is what happens when you have to play the final 23 of 162 in 24 days. 

    If I’m Hyde, I’d consider manufacturing an off day. Tampa plays before us today, and if they lose, I’d manage tonight like a playoff game to try to get double credit on the magic number. Then I’d rest all of our frontline players and plan to have position players pitch 4+ innings on Sunday and just punt that one to get our guys “2 days of rest” with the off day on Monday. Then we get to start fresh at home for our final 6 against 2 bad teams and let the magic number dwindle. 

    Perhaps a little unorthodox, but these guys are dragging in the field and the bullpen arms have absolutely nothing to give right now. 

    You can’t just decide to pitch position players. I think it’s a dumb rule, but it is a rule.

  4. 30 minutes ago, bpilktree said:

    The experts say we don’t have the starting pitching to go to World Series but I would take GRod and Bradish against any other teams 1-2 in the American League. 

    The experts? What about the cognoscenti of the OH the last couple days.

  5. 34 minutes ago, vab said:

    All the complaining about the lineup and various ideas on the board for how to fix this and that - forget it. This is just a slump. It's a terrible time for it but it's here and every team goes through it over the course of a season. But the good thing is they're getting it out of the way now. This is not going to last another two plus weeks so this club should be on the upswing by the time the playoffs get here. Now it will probably cost the division but that's not that big of a deal. The playoffs are a crap shoot so you just get in and try to get hot. Another 2 or 3 games in the wild card round is not going to make or break anything. I may just be whistling past the graveyard but I really think this may work out in the long run. 

    I wouldn’t assume the division isn’t a possibility just because of these 2 games. Win 1/2 and we stay ahead of them.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 36 minutes ago, OnlyOneOriole said:




    O Hearn






    To name a few.  None of these guys are impact difference makers.  O Hearn perhaps this year is playing above average but other than that???

    You listed 2 guys that aren’t on the team,  and a collection of guys that are splitting time in the starting lineup or are full on backups. Would it be nice to have an all star at every position? Sure. Has this team, with all of its non “difference makers” had the best season in the AL so far?

  7. 12 minutes ago, Uli2001 said:

    Hyde needs to sit AR or move him down the order. If he's back in the same spot tomorrow, that tells me that Hyde is tone deaf. A big part of the job of a manager is to shake things up when the team is slumping.

    Is the team slumping? I’m counting 6.4 runs per game over the last 10. Seems pretty good to me.

    I’d say a big part of the managers job is to not give in to knee-jerk reactions and instead provide a steady hand throughout the year.

  8. 24 minutes ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

    The bottom line is we are playing 5 guys in our lineup every night who were discarded by other teams and who would  not start on the other major contenders.


    You can't win  a WS that way, especially with average pitching.  People can talk about our farm system all they want to but there are really only 2 players making a difference.....and that is GH and maybeeeeeeeeeeeeee AR.  Who has sucked lately.   I mean.....this is the 2014 team all over again.   Farm system?  We aren't using it.  And we probably shouldn't.  It is too early.

    What are you talking about? Who are the 5 guys that were “discarded?” Why does it matter if some other team gave up on a player if they are performing well here and now? 

  9. 7 hours ago, Frobby said:

    I wonder if Mookie Betts could eventually pass Trout in career WAR.   He’s a year younger, seemingly a lot healthier.  He has some serious catching up to do but he’s piling up some good numbers.  

    rWAR: Trout 85.1 (2.7 this year), Betts 64.2 (8.0)
    fWAR: Trout 85.1 (3.0 this year), Betts 58.2 (7.9 this year).

    I guess closing the fWAR gap is almost impossible.  rWAR a lot more feasible though very difficult.  

    Trout is starting to feel a lot like the Ken Griffey of his day (though he already has more rWAR than Griffey in about 55% of the PA).   The injuries won’t quite let him do what he used to do.

    Maybe a bit of a funny fluke but interesting nonetheless that Trouts rWAR and fWAR are identical for his career.

  10. 6 hours ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

    He's terrible.  When the O's braintrust and players came out to talk to him I believe in the 4th?  Everyone was talking except the for pitcher.  He looked down and then walked away.


    Get rid of the guy.  Bad mojo.

    This happens with literally every starter after a short start. 

  11. 4 hours ago, Jim'sKid26 said:

    That's what the QO is. It's the only way you would get draft compensation if he walks at the end of his ARB years.

    Sure but the post you replied to wasn’t even advocating for a QO. Was simply he is more valuable to the team than he would be via trade value.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Jim'sKid26 said:

    Do you want to pay him $20+M to essentially DH? If the attitude of the O's ownership is to tie player salaries to attendance and the O's are, as we have discussed extensively here, a small market team; do you spend that cash on a DH who's likely to give you 2-3 WAR? 

    I wouldn't do that.

    Who wants to pay him $20M?

  13. 10 hours ago, MurphDogg said:

    Given the existence of the DH, I would not expect Mountcastle to be traded.

    I would expect both O'Hearn and Mountcastle back next season. O'Hearn will be in his 3rd season of arbitration, but with a $1.4M salary in 2023, I don't expect his salary to be prohibitive. Mountcastle will be in his first season of arbitration.

    If they need to trade someone at the deadline because everyone is playing well to make room then so be it, but you don't create a hole in the offseason that you hope to be able to be able to fill it by June.

    Totally agree here. Mountcastle has really come on strong and I think it’s a question of what value would he bring back in a trade? I think less than he could provide staying here.

  14. 5 hours ago, Moose Milligan said:

    I'm having a hard time reconciling why someone who's 6'8" and 265 lbs has a hard time making it through an MLB season without tiring.

    True, he's never been asked to throw this many innings before, except back in 2018.  But if I'm the Orioles I'm putting him on a strict conditioning plan for this offseason so he can throw more innings next year.  I don't see why he can't be someone that can give 180+ innings.  

    BTW, I wouldn't be banking on him for a rotation spot either due to his conditioning issues.  Maybe there's nothing that can be done to get him to throw more innings, maybe this is just who he really is.

    I guess size to velocity isn’t 1:1 but I’ve always wondered why he can’t throw the ball faster. 

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  15. To be filed in the “searching for explanations” camp:

    Is it possible that Adley is selectively deciding when to actively go after pitches with his best effort? Something of an energy saving and career lengthening move? Don’t go all out on blocking a pitch with the team up or down by 5 runs, for example. 

    No clue, just a thought.

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