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Everything posted by Orioles0615

  1. Haha, like I have seen this headline like 3 times in the past 3 months, and a beat writer and Angelos comes out and squashes it each time
  2. Hey Elias is serious about a AAA championship and minor league system rankings at least lol
  3. Oops replied to the wrong person. Meant to reply to the comment asking sarcastically if we missed Fraizer
  4. So we should just push this off until the playoff push... when are the supposed to get it then? Even during Gunnar Henderson adjustment period he still had a higher OPS than Mateo had last year
  5. But we all know he will, that is the problem I have. If they dont get a pitcher the least they should do is free up space, but they are still too attached to some of these vets, I think a group on opening day of Holliday, Westburg, Ortiz, Cowser, and Heston will perforn better than a group of Mateo, Urias, Ohearn. Of course you will need to move in from an outfielder as well to get Cowser in there
  6. Hey Hyde only has 1 left handed infielder right now, you know he won't like that
  7. it would not surprise me in the least if they signed some lefty vet bat to be this years Adam Frazier.
  8. Imagine if we sign Lorenzen for 10-11 million. That's 22-23 million between him and Kimbrel we could have just given a real picther
  9. Another week another no move... and so on and so forth
  10. Just about every top prospect that gets called up is plantooed its ridiculous. Westburg and Ortiz never hit righties, Cowser and Heston wouldn't hit lefties. Hell I am sure Holliday won't face lefties when he comes up
  11. Ah yes that is whats most important upgrading at AAA
  12. I want to see the total they have spent on these moves like this, its probably enough to sign an actual good player
  13. No way Ortiz, Heston, Urias, Mateo, and Cowser all make the team. Especially since we "need" a backup CF and it will be Hillard. They won't move on from scrubby vets so Mateo and Urias aren't going anywhere. Heston showed signs of life in the Majors while Cowser didn't so that makes him ideal for getting the boot back to AAA. I am sure Nevin is the first in line to come up if Mountcastle has health issues again.
  14. I bet we see him before Ortiz or Cowser lol
  15. That and having the best farm system is sometimes I think all they care about
  16. Chalk it up to one of the weird pointless Elias moves. Can't wait for the inevitable left handed hitting infielder they sign
  17. Yes but I feel like it leads back to OP. Because they won't trade any of the prospects to get a pitcher (regardless if its Cease or someone else), yet they will just be stashed in AAA. I have no interest in the Tides being champions again.
  18. This is exactly what I am expecting and people are fooling themselves if they think this won't happen
  19. Im sure you will get refunded in 4 months, just like some people with playoff tickets
  20. It's just they all seem to walk so many guys. Its like all they preach is speed and don't worry about control
  21. I would trade any of them because they don't seem like anything special.
  22. Hard time believing they are making the playoffs if this happens
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