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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. Wasn’t addressing you. Sorry to offend, was meant in jest.
  2. Can you show one example of where I did that?
  3. Reminds me of the story; you run into an a-hole in the morning you ran into an a-hole. You run into a-holes all day, you’re the a-hole.
  4. Yeah, give those 10,000 fans a night something to cheer for!
  5. Well, he’s out of Davis territory over the last seven games. A .238 BA and .714 OPS. Not exactly setting the world on fire, but I’ll take it,
  6. Talk about a low bar! Richie has picked it up a little the last few games though.
  7. Some of these guys still go with match ups. Smith actually hits LHP pretty well this year (.268), but not as good for his career (.237 in 76 ABs).
  8. Wilkerson switch hits and pretty sure I can play a better LF than Smith Jr.
  9. Exactly what I was thinking. I like the approach of Severino but he doesn’t need to be fifth. But hey, at least Stewart is in there.
  10. The hip has kept him distracted with the pain-for two years!
  11. Or, lead to the issue of him being horrible at hitting a baseball.
  12. Easily avoidable if he stops sliding headfirst.
  13. Well, he is a stud and all, but I’d be ok with the right deal.
  14. On a team with many other guys who aren’t assets his salary will get him a longer look. I don’t like it, but pretty sure sunk cost isn’t a thing with the Angelos family.
  15. Only 25 SO in his last 41 ABs. I say keep him!
  16. Exactly how I feel about him. Good guy in the clubhouse and good approach at the plate. Not his fault the Orioles play him out of position.
  17. Whatever gets Mancini out of the OF. But yes, obviously.
  18. I think that’s worst case. Best case is he’s above average as you first stated.
  19. I think Stewart is better than Smith and Smith is better than Nunez. Bye, bye Nunez if I had my way.
  20. How much money does a MXL player make?
  21. Exactly. So, it doesn’t necessarily hurt his value in any potential deal.
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