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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. I’m not going with you down that rabbit hole again, but I disagree with your premise.
  2. I’m not sure I do either. Baseball whitewashed the beginning of the steroid era and guys like Ortiz have become beloved in the game. Rodriguez is a color guy (pretty good commentary, too) on FOX. Brian Roberts. And Millar....ugh. Paving the way to normalize the guys who also got caught and are HOF eligible.
  3. It’s not money. His contract runs through 2023. Ego is my guess, wanted to be back on top.
  4. I thought it was the right move at the time, but I’m less inclined to say so now. Also, I look at the box score and his highlights everyday to see what he’s doing. Class act.
  5. It’s a smart move, but clearly he has the instincts and the speed to pull it off. I don’t want Alvarez or Davis trying it.
  6. If he finishes with an OPS over .700 it’ll be a great year for him.
  7. What??? Have you seen what Flaherty is hitting?
  8. Yup, he’s a cheater. Or, could be....
  9. From Willie’s Roadhouse for “Crush”.
  10. Right. Anyone notice the FB Kahnle pumped in at 95 the AB following the HR? Davis looked surprised by it. He’s overmatched by a decent FB.
  11. Hmm, not a good look, but as MM said, JP can do what he wants. Manny’s hair otoh....
  12. Well, at least your priorities are in order.
  13. See, this is another guy I’d like to see more of when they play. Can’t do it if it’s not an option.
  14. Pfft....he needs some gummies to keep up with Joneses. It’s a saying, I don’t have any info on Adam.
  15. Yes, yes, but how do you feel about comp picks and paying for international talent?
  16. You’re ambitious. Any front office experience?
  17. Ok, but that might not be the order that rotation.
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