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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. With no outs you gotta know who’s playing in the field. Gallo is a GG fielder with RF cannon for an arm. Bad move.
  2. Can’t wait til Harvey is ready! Then, they’ll have two guys with six run ERAs.
  3. Not like you to be hopeful, but I like the sentiment.
  4. Brown must have seen my comment about Jordan vs Jordan.
  5. Battle of the Jordans! I like our guys! ….well, to a point.
  6. Yeah, there’s a difference between a guy who nibbles at the corners because his stuff isn’t good enough and the guy who has even mediocre stuff, but excellent command.
  7. The thing is, what I like about him is his voice. If he would cut out the pop culture references and call the game I’d probably enjoy him. But currently, no.
  8. I hate guys who nibble. Trust your stuff and see if it plays, if not farewell.
  9. Maybe….I tend to agree since he looked fine in that role last year when they moved him to the pen.
  10. Bad idea? Lopez occupying a spot on the roster.
  11. Which is what I’ve wondered since he was hired. How much freedom does he really have? I wouldn’t be surprised to find out he had restrictions from the beginning.
  12. Disagree….no one is taking a political stance with that statement. It’s a fact and it negatively impacts lives of citizens.
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