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Everything posted by joelala

  1. Mazel! Thanks for all you do and it takes a big man to introspect like this and talk about it so candidly. We appreciate the platform you provide and all the scouting and admin work you do to keep it up and running. Welcome back!
  2. Valid questions. But as you say, it is possible to also develop at the ML level. Harder and less convenient if we’re contending, but possible.
  3. *technically expendable. Though techno is also very expendable.
  4. Oh they definitely won’t get us great talent. But at some point the determination has to be made if they’re worth more to us than they are to anyone else. And for the time being i think Mullins at least certainly is. I suppose I bristled a bit at the pessimism of the post i originally quoted. I do agree that all the players he listed aside from Mullins are techno expendable as we move forward.
  5. Wel I hope we don’t trade any of these guys just to “get what we can.”
  6. There’s a good doc on HBO that chronicles his journey. Forget what it’s called, but enjoyed it.
  7. Disappointing that Maikol isn’t playing his way onto this list at all.
  8. Yea I at least recognize Adley, chirinos, Trey, and Mateo for sure
  9. This team looks to have excellent chemistry. I think some of the credit has to go to Hyde. Will he be the manager on our next playoff team?
  10. How did they have the 2nd pick and the 5th pick that year? Wow I didn’t realize that.
  11. As long as he doesn’t slump terribly, he’ll be up by next weekend I’d hope.
  12. Fair. So a star offensive player, not superstar. I suppose he gets his superstar label from the full package. And the massive contract.
  13. Sorry to derail, but have you seen what he was doing this season before his injury this weekend? And just his overall body of work? Not sure how you can say he’s not a superstar offensive player.
  14. I’ve been on this board for about 6 years now, and I think Berry at 1:1 would cause more ire than I’ve ever seen. My pitchfork has been in the closet since we failed to trade Manny and Britton when the time was right, but I do still know exactly where that pitchfork is in said closet.
  15. For me it’s Jones, Collier, Johnson, Holliday in that order. Anyone else and I’ll be upset. If it’s Berry, I will quite honestly question my fanhood.
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