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Everything posted by joelala

  1. I did somewhat. If I remember, he admitted to using the trash can and was pretty candid in general in that locker room interview that I’m guessing is what you’re referring to. Sure he was surly, but can you blame him?
  2. You wouldn’t want a guy who defends his teammates and the org? I get the whole cheating thing looks bad, but maybe it just doesn’t bother me as much as a lot of other people. And everything I’ve read about Correa is that he’s a great teammate and an extremely hard worker. Sign me up if the price is right. What specifically makes him a jerk? When I think of a player who was a jerk I think of someone like Aubrey Huff, not Correa.
  3. I hear Jim Leyland is looking to get back in the dugout.
  4. Correa is a gamer and we’d be lucky to have him. The only knock on him is durability.
  5. That’s closer to the White Sox model . And I agree it’s the way to go.
  6. Great snippet @Frobby, thanks for sharing. I miss both of those guys.
  7. I came to the board today to see if he’d made it yet.
  8. True, unless they can find someone to take Carpenter, which would obviously save them money. Now that you mention it, I wonder what it would take to get Carpenter. We could do way worse than him.
  9. Yup, I feel if there was a full HS season and Veen performed as expected he would have even been in the 1:1 convo. He has a chance to be a cornerstone.
  10. He won’t be. He’s a valuable utility player who will get plenty of ABs in STL.
  11. I would have still wanted Veen.
  12. I preferred Witt Jr. over Adley pre-draft myself. I’m with Interloper, I have doubts about the hit tool. That swing in its current iteration will get abused by off speed stuff. Hopefully it’s just a case of him pressing a bit to prove his lofty prospect status that, right now, is backed up by only his college performance. I imagine he feels some slight pressure to perform.
  13. Yea obviously he’s gotta transfer that over to the games, but I just meant to say that the swing itself looks shorter and quicker to me during BP, so the physical ability for him to do that is there. Whereas with “the catcher who broke our hearts,” I doubt if. he could ever have shortened his swing even in BP. Adley looks to be a quicker athlete than Matt.
  14. Agree his swing seems to get long sometimes. But if you watch him in BP it looks better. Also, in his defense, he’s physically a far superior athlete to Matt. So here’s hoping. I just want to see him do well, but the let-down (even though he was still a good player) of Wieters has given me trust issues.
  15. Will he be better than Russel Martin, y/n?
  16. I never didn’t consider him a contender to get a spot. Seems like a wide open free-for- all, no? The day we stop speculating about Wade Leblanc’s spot in the rotation is the day I’ll know the rebuild is over.
  17. I like Hays a lot too and would absolutely love to see him play even 120 games this season. The ear to ear grin as he came home was awesome. How’s this for a Hays comp: Adam Eaton.
  18. Better get him some of those plasma rich platelets stat then.
  19. How many WAR will he put up today?
  20. I don’t see a reality in which he avoids TJS this season at some point, unfortunately.
  21. I didn’t know the ‘c’ in Sceroler was silent. The more you know
  22. PED's or not (definitely PEDs,) that is still impressive. I'm of the opinion he should be in the HOF.
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