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Everything posted by Legend_Of_Joey

  1. Yeah, that is what confused me. Why add him, especially the day after the regular season ends? Even if he is taken off at some point this winter, what was the point of adding him?
  2. https://twitter.com/masnroch/status/1578102981727293456?s=46&t=1V7xG7LDqS5Auu2IR1oSyg A weird time to do this, but to me this shows that Chirinos is 100% gone this off season and they will roll with Gallagher/Benboom into camp for the backup spot. This also almost entirely eliminates Handley being on the 40 to avoid the Rule 5.
  3. I, uh, knew that… See, the title says so.
  4. I do not know any extra details to this, but I’m a bit shocked. Phil was always very personable and went out of his way to talk to fans and make sure they enjoyed themselves. Entertainment and other promotions/group nights always seemed like a hit, with several long standing outings (a favorite being “Military Night,” when a large group of Midshipmen from Annapolis would be there.)
  5. https://twitter.com/aguilascibaenas/status/1569812364232474625?s=46&t=KrXu9Hoxmkz0KbblmXeO1A Looks like former Oriole Donnie Hart will join current Oriole 40 manner Tyler Nevin in Winter Ball.
  6. Correct. But, the Orioles did it with catcher Martin Cervenka in 2018.
  7. I get that they all can't supply one, but the last few seasons seems to have always been an Orioles catcher. That and I'm surprised they didn't send any of Handley, Roberts, or Cumberland there for further evaluation, especially Cumberland, who has missed time with injury.
  8. Brain function no well on Friday.
  9. Kind of interesting with him coming back from an injury, thought he would get a few more shots in Baltimore this season. Now a 40 man spot is open. Wonder if someone takes that slot soon and makes a debut…
  10. Trimble was recovering from injury this season, so this is probably to get him extra work. The lack of a catcher is weird. Figured Handley, Roberts or even Cumberland. Players can be added later, so we will see what happens.
  11. Try to get as much “Oriole” out of your system before making it big.
  12. Orioles claim catcher Cam Gallagher, who had been with San Diego and sent him to AAA. To make room, Rico Garcia was DFA’ed.
  13. Yep. Pretty much anyone can play in the playoffs for the minor league.
  14. Two of the times I’ve seen it this season (in the last month-ish), it was on an inside pitch and the batter swung down at it at the last second, like he was chopping. Ended up getting the catchers mitt. I wonder if this is being taught now.
  15. In the last few seasons, they have sent: Nick Vespi, Alex Wells, Dean Kremer, Keegan Akin, and Tanner Scott.
  16. He could go as a “Taxi Squad” player, who only plays Sunday and Wednesday. Think they sent catcher Ramon Rodriguez last year to do the same thing. Grayson could go and have Orioles coaches there.
  17. Also just thought about Kjerstad.
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