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Everything posted by Legend_Of_Joey

  1. He requires a 40 man roster move or no?
  2. I’d have some questions if Henderson ends up in Frederick this season. ? I’m curious too how the rosters are set after the missed season. Part of me feels like they might go “conservative” with stuff at first and bump players up semi early (after first month), since conservative seems to be an Elias standard.
  3. I feel like he was in Low A forever. Was it due to stuff or mainly injuries? I can’t remember.
  4. While a good or bad spring might not always tell you what a player is like, how much do you put into it? Do you really just care about the first few innings when starters are usually facing other starters? Do you care towards the end when prospects and minor league guys are facing other prospects and minor league guys, with the occasional MLB guy thrown in as a closer? Do pitchers stats matter to you, or batting stats?
  5. When you don’t fear the catcher, you can run on the pitcher easier.
  6. Sisco and Severino are having awful Springs.
  7. Sisco and Severino are playing like they don’t want to be traded. Or even on a roster.
  8. He must have his Twitter notifications on.
  9. I asked Steve Mewleski on Twitter. I don’t know who is at the games.
  10. I’d take Taylor Davis before Cuiffo, solely for his camera interactions.
  11. LF could have Stewart, depending how the roster pans out. Or Wilkerson.
  12. With his speed, getting on base by any means necessary should be a priority.
  13. Not surprised about Dietz or Curran. Dietz struggled with control and Curran struggled with staying healthy and never really got into a groove.
  14. 0-5 with a walk. Close enough. Along with a passed ball and stolen base against Severino.
  15. I keep forgetting there is someone other than “Alexander Wells” on the 40.
  16. Saw the larger bases in the Atlantic League a few seasons ago. It was good. Noticeable form the stands (probably tv too) and gave the first baseman and pitcher plenty of room on close plays at first.
  17. Fry hasn’t been doing much but letting other teams have extended BP off him. Hyde says things are good though. Hopefully he is just working on some stuff.
  18. So...Is this suggesting the Yankees would take Sisco (or Severino) as a backup? Chirinos was going to be Taxi Squad/AAA material. If Sanchez is doing recent seasons Sanchez stuff by the All Star break, then there could be a trade.
  19. He makes for a great target apparently. Give him a full season and have him bat every game he might beat Bagwells record...
  20. Same, I just thought the tweet from Tony would add a bit more, since he was blaming the throw.
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