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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. It is. Dempsey didnt get too many awards other than MVP of the WS. I dont think he ended up #55 on the top 100 list, based on his bat, or playing 22 seasons. Starter for 7 90 game winners and two titles, probably means as catcher, he had to have a role in their success.
  2. Dempsey was for sure. Wieters had a 1 really good year, but several others decent years behind the plate, that I would grade above a C, but thats just me. I think Caleb was above average and ranks out a B most of the time, that nasty injury hurt and set him back some. I think if you look at the stats, which IMO doesn't do the catcher enough justice: Buster for SF has been pretty solid, his whole career. Actually gets ranked #13 in the top 100 Catcher's list. Which is graded combined offensive and defense. http://baseballegg.com/how-we-ranked-baseballs-greatest-players/baseballs-greatest-catchers-of-all-time/
  3. Not too many, there are several in the bigs, not every team has one. So do you disagree with my opinion about Sisco being C- last year?
  4. I am more worried about this lack of skills behind the plate. According to my baseman according to Rick's manual. I want my catcher to be A+ defense first, and if he can bat, that is gravy. Sadly, Sisco looked C- at best. Of course, he is still young and teachable, we shall see how he does in ST.
  5. I was hopefully optimistic when he was signed, based on my limited knowledge of the rest of the league and the candidates. It sure appears that he understands this game, and is trying to build the org for the long run, and this is very encouraging.
  6. http://www.masnsports.com/school-of-roch/2018/12/elias-on-manager-search-the-front-office-goals-and-more.html Good information about manager search. 6 candiates and that it, no more going on the short list. Expects to have new manager in place by end of the month. Talks briefly about Brady.
  7. I am too. I think they got probably the best guys available, but some are not happy. Heck, you could have signed God almighty and the pundits would be negative ninnies about it.
  8. After 14 years if pure hell, I was pretty happy too. I just wish, it could have been even happier times.
  9. You cannot compare injuries to failure to perform. This isnt like you.
  10. If they had won one, would that have silenced some of the hatred here in OH? I dont think anybody correctly foresaw the total collapse that occurred in 2018. Give Elias 3 years to make his imprint on this team and then lets see where we are.
  11. And during the daytime, and on the 2nd tuesday of the month before the ASG.
  12. Machado has had multiple incidents. Alomar is one, so it blows my mind that you could say that.
  13. Back in the day, this was common practice, but regardless Cobb was well known for playing harder and go after you, more than anybody else.
  14. Yes, I agree, there was plenty of fault on both sides. Usually, guys that are truly dirty players, will have multiple incidents in their closet. How many players did Ty Cobb spike going into 2nd base, back in the steel spike era?
  15. But both were poster child players while here.
  16. Alomar overall was not a dirty player, this was a very sad and terrible memory in Oriole history.
  17. I put the Dodgers in the same category as Boston and the Yankees. While they are in the NL, they are still a high dollar club that likes buy the top talent and buy championships.
  18. At least Milwaukee fans have had lots of success with the Packers over the years.
  19. I will watch some of the WS, but will not be rooting for either team. Just as a baseball fan watching the game that I love.
  20. It all boils down to the pitching, and who pitches better in less than ideal baseball weather.
  21. The favored team, doesn't always win, thats for sure. The Orioles have been on both sides of that, for sure.
  22. I think the Dodgers win tonight. I see the Red Sox vs Dodgers, being a tight series, 4-3 or 3-4, it will boil down to game 7.
  23. If Manny was on the Yankees. Posters in OH, will cry about every single gesture he makes.
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