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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. I think this is what this team is, some real talent, lots of holes, and a bit of a surprise that their record is as good as its been. Is this team more enjoyable to watch, then last year and the year before?
  2. I did as part of my annual checkup for old peeps like me. I had concerns based on social media information and according to my heart doctor, COVID can cause damage to the heart in some people, just nothing like the hysteria of social media makes it out to be, but play it safe and get checked out. He compared the new tests to my older baseline and there was no change.
  3. They might have more than 1 WS trophy if any of the guys they kept putting up there, could be a solid closer. Of course, you knew that.
  4. If that was true, there would not be teams lacking a closer and guys in the role that had no business in the role. Look south to the Nats, it was their Achilles heel for several years.
  5. They put that dang Hotel up and just changed everything.
  6. I thought Pedro was early inning guy, bringing the gap to the setup dude.
  7. Im satisfied that its a huge step in the right direction, especially considering the time the relatively short time they have been in charge. They do have work to do, because I will be satisfied, but the goal is in sight. IMO
  8. My take on this, regardless if we are 5th or 11th. It seams that Elias is making some right moves. What was the MIL system before Elias, we were arguing if we was 29th or last? Got quite a few more holes to fill, the boat appears to be sailing in a positive direction.
  9. Good to see his body maturing with age. Hopefully, it will help him stay healthy. Ive been a big fan of his since the day he was drafted.
  10. Hunter started out well, and then he couldnt pitch well unless he was in the stretch, which doesnt work well. Hunter blew a few games, and he lost his closer spot. He spent a long time knocking around the league after 2014, dont think he got many saves.
  11. #2 guys, want the closer role, so they can get closer money. My memory must be failing, but I thought back around 2014, Buck experimented with Hunter as a closer and he failed a few times, and Buck pulled the plug on it. Before that time, Hunter has been a solid setup guy.
  12. Tommy Hunter, you ought to remember him. Need to do some brain thought for some others.
  13. True, but I have seen solid #2 guys want closer money and everybody assumes they are so good locking down the game for the closer, they can be the closer.
  14. Not every quality reliever has the intestinal fortitude to be a closer. It take a special mindsight that some dont have. Other Posters have disagreed with me, but I think its easy to see the failures over the years of those that tried. Yes, sometimes, #2 man, can step up and assume the job and perform it well. Yet, sometimes, they arent able to.
  15. I visited another site, and it was setup almost identical to this, like OH, some good people and some not good people. I hated to see the hate they leased out on Tony. Oh well, glad to our home back up.
  16. too early to say that. I think it probably will be, but still too early, time will tell. Heck, at the time, most fans thought the Glenn Davis trade, while a bit costly to the org, was a really great trade to bring a power bat to the middle of the lineup and sometime to reckon with. We all know how that turned out. Seattle thought they fleeced us with the Bedard trade and two prospects, middle chippers.
  17. True, but in 2020, if you use the word emergency, you think of another stoppage because of covid. At least I do.
  18. Okay, so I was probably a bit harsh, but he seams to be a .198 hitter in his predictions. Usually they poke fun at him here, not sure, why now they are paying so much attention.
  19. Why do we care what Keith Law thinks? He has proven himself over and over, to pretty much clueless about prospects.
  20. 800 mg is prescription strength here in the states. So you can take a horse pill or 4 little red ones.
  21. He wouldnt make 10m anyway, isnt this season, prorated?
  22. get to my age, its 800 mg, twice a day. lol and that just takes the edge off.
  23. I always thought Longoria was a decent guy when he was there. I have no real evidence one way or another, but his interviews seam to be real Maybe he is just a good actor, who knows.
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