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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. not sure how agreeable the owners would be to that. You still run smack dab into football conflicts
  2. The owners submitted their plan, the players submitted their plans. Neither is close to each other, so how quick can they find some middle ground and get this thing done?
  3. Im far from an expert on MLB, but extending the playoffs into the colder months and butting heads with the NFL is probably not a smart thing to. Just my own 2 cents worth in, and probably not even worth 2 cents.
  4. No Way, did you read the story about Mell Hall? Talk about a sexual pedophile and total douche/
  5. It reminded me some of Elvis and how Priscilla's family was okay with the BS going on under their noses. More bad parenting, along the lines of that US Olympic Gymnastic Doctor that was playing doctor with all the female gymnasts and none of the parents was the least bit concerned about no 2nd party or parent in the room. As a parent, there is no way on God's earth that neither my wife or I would have been so agreeable. How does that happen?
  6. You dont set American League records for doubles, if you dont hustle and run.
  7. BRob was good, like you said, not elite level on all, but the guy was fun to watch.
  8. Wow, what a POS he was. Geeze, I cant believe that all this went on and I dont recall any of it.
  9. considering how low the bar is already set, it wont take much to make it a high point.
  10. Who was the last 5 tool player the Orioles drafted? I know Hammonds was said to be a 5 tools guy, and he had a decent career, not sure, he panned out as a true 5 tool guy, but the expectation and hype was there. Wieters had defense and bat production in college, but no speed. Mancini was bat only Sisco was bat only I guess Manny was the last true 5 guy the Orioles drafted. While not a burner, he had enough speed to turn many a single into doubles, and score from second,
  11. So we cant agree who is the poster child for punk of the MLB, too many to chose from. Can we agree that Brooks goes it at number 1 for the best guy to have play the game on and off the field? I know Roy Firestone would agree.
  12. Hard to image the owners being so heavy handed, to stick it to the players, would not be determent to the health and longevity of the game. It would take a majority of the owners to be in this mindset. But, thats my unprofessional perception, and I will freely admit, to not being fully abreast of the entire picture involved.
  13. Before the lockdown and half of the season being gone, right? Hard to image, not readdressing things.
  14. IMO, Boras is just one of the parts that is wrong with the current MLB. Yes, he is supposed to fight for his clients and get the most for them. But, I think there is enough evidence that points him as being self serving for his own agenda and his client advice is not always in their best interest.
  15. Usually, the two sides present their side of things, each one tilted towards what they want. But realistic people understand, that its a give and take and come up with a compromise so that each side can declare they win. These two sides, dont appear to have that intellectual properties to accomplish this.
  16. it was either that or the rundown bus. Damn I love watching this movie. Hey skipper, my contract says I do have to practice, what do you think of that. Tosses it on the ground and pisses on it. I wonder how many managers would love to do that in real life, when a crybaby complains. LOL
  17. wow, what an article.
  18. Good points with all. I hated Rose's personality but did respect his hustle and on the field play. I am going to have to rethink my previous position on this.,
  19. who would be your poster child for this honor?
  20. I think Roid Rage Ortiz and all his incidents, does make him a worse punk. Just my opinion
  21. Probably because I am old as dirt and grew up playing and learning the game in a diff era, and havent kept up with the game. I find it amusing that Sig and Elias dont believe to much in framing, which leads me to believe its just over emphasis. But, thats just my own belief.
  22. Why, because he drafted a top notch catcher last season????
  23. Not sure the failure list for pitchers isnt the same basic failure rate for the position players. You just need so many more pitchers.
  24. Not sure there was ever a bigger punk in MLB, than Ortiz, unless you go all the way back to Ty Cobb.
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