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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. LOL good point. Wait AARP lowered their membership down to age 50 to join. LOL
  2. But, Corn is the only one here old enough to know that first hand.
  3. I was in Colorado in August one year, and dang it was humid. A friend kept telling me about Arizona and how it was a dry heat and no humidity. For me, when I was in Phoenix, it was dang hot, dry or not dry, it was nasty hot. I tried visiting relatives in Florida one August, that was a mistake. I was wetter from walking to the house, to the car in the driveway, then if I had jumped into the pool, which in August, was pretty much a large hottub.
  4. Your correct on all counts. Not nit picking on your part, I just didnt elaborate my statement and it look like i was just saying career WAR would get him in.
  5. Is the TV revenue prorated? They dont make a ton from parking and concessions, but they do make money.
  6. Since its prorated, the players are trying to squeeze as many games as possible. Not sure why the owners feel they need to scale back to 50 for half a season.
  7. You and I are in agreement. Not every 1-2-3 in the MLB draft has the same skillset.
  8. We thought Bundy and Guzman was the real deal, too. Then the real busts like Hobgoom. Manny was a great pick. no such thing as a sure thing
  9. your right, nothing is set in stone, until the commish steps up and announces the name. Is MLB like the NFL and the number 1 draft team, come to agreement with the draftee before they announce their name?
  10. From what Weams posted in another thread. They are predicting Martin to drop to the 3rd pick and we get Lacy.
  11. i still say to make this an exhibition season, free attendance, minimum salaries for the players. No stats, just start back to real ball ST 2021.
  12. Its also not idea for me, I dont work on cars too much, I can do the odd house repair here and there, so finding a reliable trustworthy mechanic for old non computer cars isnt easy.
  13. Im older than you, so 60 and 70s is right in my wheelhouse (no pun intended). Every time, my financial situation improves, and I think about buying me something. Dang prices go up again, and I end up sticking the money into home remodeling. I was laughing with the wife the other day, brought my house in 92, and spent more money remodeling it and adding on to it, then the purchase price.
  14. I think both sides low balled their position on things, to give them wiggle room. But both sides are so far apart, need more than wiggle to compromise.
  15. Nah, cant stand the clown, but I will take your word on that.
  16. Agree, time will tell, if they can get their handle around this thing, and get this game back on the field.
  17. Beltre (and I like him) is not the glove Manny is. Manny is gone to other teams, and was still making the ESPN highlights for his glove, but not as much. I think his best position is 3rd, and at that position could be argued as the best defender at 3rd. You cant make that argument about Manny at SS. Not that he is Jeter there. Beltrie is sure to be in the HOF, with his career WAR. Manny has a solid start on the path to HOF, and if he had run off a few more 7.3s like he was when he was in Baltimore. He would be a shoe in.
  18. I thought Vada had fallen victim to Heorin or Coke habit? (Maybe because of the back) I dont think Manny has had too many on the field problems, but not sure, how many more his career can take, without impacting the writers opinion of him and HOF worthlessness.
  19. I thought 2013, he set a record for double in the MLB, my bad. Guess he just led the AL in doubles that season with 51.
  20. Ok, most of what I said, was based on his performance as an Oriole. I really dont care too much to follow the rest of the league, including former Orioles. His career WAR is at 36.7 for 8 seasons, and still young at 26. While maybe no longer a shoe in, first rounder. I think believe he has a solid path there. I dont think his rep can withstand too many more conflicts with other players. Again, IMO.
  21. they need that image to justify in their own minds, why its not a big deal, that a stud HOF shoe in, is no longer a part of this organization.
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