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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. He got the largest contract at the time,if my memory serves me correctly. Some of the fans felt that big money meant big production.
  2. With so many workers, hurt in the pay check, because of the pandemic. Those folks are likely to have a short fuse when it comes to the greed of both the owners and players.
  3. Good article Corn, thanks. Was an eye opener for sure. Since its fangraphs, we dont have to worry too much about a hidden agenda or fake news.
  4. Geeze, some people are grumpy today. LOL
  5. You and I are in agreement with your second statement. I am ok with the players getting what they can from the owners, but short of causing a work stoppage, which IMO, is not good for the game of ball.
  6. The power has gone to some of them, they think they are bigger than the sport.
  7. True, NASCAR is racing without fans in the seats.
  8. I think Gates is trying to stir the pot, to help line his pockets, if you ask me. Baseball survived 1918 pandemic, both world wars, not to mention Korea and Vietnam. Baseball will survive the 2020 virus. I do believe baseball needs tweaking, but not a major overhaul, to come back into focus for the younger generations. IMO
  9. But Gates was quoted by a poster: So technically this is baseball related. If Gates thinks the national pastime is perhaps forever gone.
  10. The same fans also turn on Eddie Murray and Manny, to just name a couple. The Oriole fandom has got some great fans, but when you fall out of favor, they turn on you quick.
  11. Not sure how Bill Gates has got to such a prominence that he has become a medical SME for all things viruses and vaccination related.
  12. LOL, dang sure it did. But, when I was 12, I wanted to be Bond, James Bond, just the mere mention of my name, women are dropping their clothes are become instant sex partners.
  13. You dont understand why women love Gene Simmons? Hint: His tongue is legendary.
  14. I remember the old style wool like baseball uniforms, hot and itchy, how the heck could they play in those?????
  15. Dont think Manfred has the cojones needed to do this.
  16. Correct, and which I said Bragged. But, I am also sure, he had more than his share.
  17. Attendance 11K for a tuesday, times dont time some things.
  18. Between the AC and your own private bathroom. I would watch every game live, if I could afford a luxury box. LOL
  19. I agree the Owners will not take the hit. Not that I support the players, which I dont. But, I would rather go watch rec league than replacement players. Sorry, and I only speak for me, "IF" the players dont play and force the owners into action, then fork you, dont need professional ball in my life. Go watch the college ladies play softball would be better.
  20. For those that didnt catch on to what I was talking about. Dick Bosman was a very good arm and in 69 and 70 was pretty much an Ace for the team. He would later end up as a pitching coach when his playing days from over, and from 92-94, he was with the Orioles as their P.C.
  21. Did you read the box score, this was their "Ace" pitching to the backup catcher. I might have been at this game. My memory is hazy from that long ago. LOL
  22. Walk Chamberlain bragged about scoring with 20,000 woman in his NBA career. Something about a dude in a uniform that women dig.
  23. Better to waste money that way, then spending 4 Billion to a Chinese lab so they can play with Bats.
  24. April 2nd is the same date, I had my COVID attack and ended up in the hospital. I think the people did not tell you correctly about the 39K. Bottom line, glad to see you are still with us.
  25. While the MLB donated 1 mill each, so that workers for the team will still get a paycheck. The contract vendors that work at OPACY was protesting yesterday, their money runs out, and since they are not formal employees, they will not be getting additional money from their vendor company. According to WBAL, there are 50K workers in this hospitality category in the city.
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