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Everything posted by 7Mo

  1. 7Mo

    Drew Rom 2021

    Thanks. Keep the updates coming please.
  2. Because you routinely dominate and hijack a large percentage of threads on the board. Someone could post "Austin Hays had 2 hits last night". You're likely to respond: "I've seen no evidence that ownership will spend when the time is right". Maybe that's an accurate statement. But why do you have to hijack the thread? Maybe ownership won't spend. But could you let them screw up before suggesting they might screw up? And what's wrong with having a thread about Austin Hays having 2 hits?
  3. In the first round (29 picks): 16 underslot 3 overslot 4 at slot 7 unsigned
  4. That might be your best post ever. Well done.
  5. That's pretty cool. Sad to say I don't think his time in MLB will delay his acting career much. Hope I'm wrong there.
  6. No one. Santander and Akin don't count on the 40 since they're Covid out.
  7. Dusten Knight would make sense but he's not on the 40 man.
  8. 7Mo

    Kyle Stowers 2021

    Really good article. Thanks.
  9. Yes, you disagree. With everything. It's either Elias' fault or ownership being cheap. But it's always wrong. I post about the prospects a lot. I'm not surprised that you don't see positive stuff though. That's not your focus. That's not what you're interested in seeing.
  10. The point is you constantly post how wrong every decision is, when you don't know what information the choice was based on. And if someone points out where you're wrong, you move the target. And if that's what you enjoy, feel free. You keep doing you.
  11. With those parameters, would you agree that you don't have one tenth the information that Elias has when the pick is made? And sometimes no information whatsoever?
  12. You've been in the mushrooms again, huh? That makes no sense at all.
  13. Don't forget your conspiracy theory about holding guys back to have a highly rated farm system.
  14. 7Mo

    Coby Mayo 2021

    Arm grade of 70 and was mid 90's off the mound. Would do well in RF if he's unable to handle third.
  15. Hopefully some combination of Cole Sulser, Tanner Scott, Paul Fry and Dillon Tate bring back 4-5 more 40's that could become 45's.
  16. I was all in on everything you said until the bolded. People don't have to be right to criticize. People don't even have to pay attention or know what's going on to criticize.
  17. He had been earlier so your point is/was a good one but it looks like there's more emphasis on second now.
  18. 1 game in LF out of the last 14?
  19. 7Mo

    Blaine Knight

    4 scoreless IP last night, 1 hit, 7 K's.
  20. Did you also happen to criticize Spenser Watkins on the fourth of July ( just before 3 starts ago)?
  21. I agree with all of that and I "think" they'll adjust when the system is filled out but that's just a guess. I thought they'd take a big shot somewhere along the line but I'm guessing it's 1-2 years too early for that.
  22. And they wouldn't have to pay the full cost of bats since bigger schools already have equipment deals. Here's an old article: https://www.al.com/sports/2013/06/post_493.html It would be very affordable if MLB was motivated to do it.
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