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Posts posted by NelsonCruuuuuz

  1. 3 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

    Could have sworn you mentioned about 4 names you were ok with and Parada was one of them.  Then you floated the idea of Lesko saying you should grab premium pitching when you can.  Have I got you confused with someone else?

    Yes. I guess I need to speak clearly so you guys can attack it wrongly later. Jones is the pick barring something significant. I am preparing myself (and ok with): Holiday, Lee, Parada and yes, we need pitching bad and Id consider going Lesko underslot and go overslot like a rock star after. I think Lesko goes in the first and might get taken by Padres at 15 (heavily scouting him) or Mets (2 picks as another poster pointed out). 

    Def not excited for Berry, Johnson and unsure on Collier. 

  2. 1 minute ago, LookinUp said:

    That's a different discussion altogether. They're putting a strategy in place given a budget. If the owner's not giving him more budget, that is what it is. I just don't blame Elias for that.

    Sorry to go off but I don’t need an explanation on the underslot strategy. It’s insulting. 

    So, you think Elias has no control on budget since he moved back the wall, opened up camps in the DR and had Davis retire early? You guys really twist yourselves into a pretzel defending Elias. The funny thing is I think overall he is a decent GM, I just strongly disagree with his selection last year. But people on here just argue endlessly, it’s exhausting. 

    my favorite response: wait 10-20 years and then we will evaluate. You can’t be critical now (this was the mantra with Hobgood if I recall). 

  3. 10 minutes ago, LookinUp said:

    I want to engage in this, but now's not the time, so I'll try to summarize.

    The GM's job isn't to maximize any given pick. It is to maximize value over all of the picks they get. 

    So Cowser might not end up as valuable as Lawlar, but 5 Cowsers (Kjerstad, Stowers, whoever) very well might end up more valuable in the aggregate than 5 high potential high school short stops.

    You can have egg on your face over a single pick. That can happen to anyone, but the statisticians up there are not playing your game. They're trying to maximize total value, and that takes things like risk into account. 

    Darn. I got into it. 


    I am not an idiot. Do you read any of the stuff I post? You probably don’t comprehend that teams can spend over the slots! Crazy! So maybe, just maybe, stop being a brainless fool and ask why after gutting the payroll of the franchise these past years, they can’t go over their draft pool and pay the fine? It’s peanuts in the big picture. But you are too busy parroting the talking points of a message board. 

    • Confused 1
  4. 24 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

    Right, but you're okay with him taking Lesko or Parada 1:1, correct?

    And oh by the way, if Lawlar was in the Orioles system or the Orioles had a top SS prospect with 19 errors in 43 games you can be sure that it would be a source of concern. 

    No. The pick should be Jones. Just preparing for Elias disappointment per usual. 

  5. 1 hour ago, LTO's said:

    We really need to pump the brakes on this big time. Previously, passing on Martin was his worst move. Lawlar was a top prospect who has been basically 20 years old this entire season. The pitching in low-A ball after the minor league contractions is terrible so anyone that age with that pedigree should be dominating. Let's see how he responds to better pitching before we make any declarations. 

    Let’s give it 10 years to make sure nobody admits they’re wrong:)

  6. 48 minutes ago, forphase1 said:

    While he COULD do that, I'm just not sure we are in that position yet.  At what position in the minors do we have so much depth we can reasonably trade from without creating potential holes in the MLB team in the near future?  Our infield talent, while highly ranked, is also fairly thin.  Once you get past Westburg and Henderson, do we know if we have much if they don't pan out?  Mayo?  Norby?  Same with our OF depth.  Stowers and Cowser.  Then who?  Kjerstad is hitting great, but with the health issues I'm certainly not ready to pencil him in future lineups.  Point being while our farm system is heavy at the top with like 6 of the top 100 players, we still don't quite have the depth to be using them to acquire much, and the top talent that we have I doubt Elias is willing to trade, unless it was just a great deal.

    I do agree that at some point we need to start leveraging the talent in the minors to improve the MLB team.  That's one reason why I want more of the young talent to be brought up to the majors so we can see who is expendable in the minors.  If we called up Henderson, Westburg and Vavra and they performed like they are in AAA, then the Mayo, Norby, Ortiz, Hernandez and other infield talent in our top 25 prospects could be traded potentially.  But until we know how some of these guys pan out it's dangerous to trade.  Don't want to end up having another hole in the MLB team because prospects don't pan out.   

    The cost for salary dumps and rentals are significantly lower in past years. With a top rated system, you can leverage marginal talent for a decent piece. 

  7. 24 minutes ago, forphase1 said:

    Great point and one that's often overlooked or ignored while complaining about service time manipulation.

    Elias could also trade some prospects he’s not as high on to make the team better. Values of prospects go to zero when they don’t pan out, we should be leveraging our farm system to improve our team long term. You also are going to lose some of them in the rule 5. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Brooks The Great said:

    Westburg and Henderson have been promoted together and are close as teammates/friends, but Westburg is 23. It's time to promote him and get him exposure to the major league game. And the options he would be taking playing time away from are worse than mediocre. Westburg is ready. O's need to call him up yesterday.

    I don’t disagree, just would like to see more but love to hear your thoughts! Hope your right!

  9. Just now, NCRaven said:

    Johnson plays SS in high school, but most scouts project him at 2B in the pros.  I think that the likelihood of Johnson making that transition is higher than Parada moving to 3B.  If you're drafting a catcher #1 it better be a Rutschman.  He ain't that.

    Someone said he could “easily” play 3b. I’d have to investigate that further honestly but Rizzo likes Parada so I pay attention. Best GM in war all time from the draft I believe. Many chalk that up to Harper/Starsburg (which is true) but Os have had top picks for how long? I rest my case. 

    Regardless, I’d go Jones. If not, Holiday, Lee, Parada. I’d def do an underslot deal with Dylan Lesko. But not excited by Johnson. Could be wrong of course but taking an eventual 2b with 1:1 seems like madness. 

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