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Everything posted by NelsonCruuuuuz

  1. Hitting national headlines now: https://twitter.com/mlbpipeline/status/1533485804110155778?s=21&t=w9o1atk7Or58tz7Cf4x8zQ
  2. September or “even longer” my goodness… https://twitter.com/richdubroffmlb/status/1533491221385031680?s=21&t=w9o1atk7Or58tz7Cf4x8zQ
  3. More from the great wizard of Oz: https://twitter.com/afkostka/status/1533488961800261634?s=21&t=w9o1atk7Or58tz7Cf4x8zQ
  4. https://twitter.com/mlbdeadlinenews/status/1533487511820984321?s=21&t=w9o1atk7Or58tz7Cf4x8zQ
  5. Smells fishy. https://twitter.com/masnsteve/status/1533482605395443712?s=21&t=w9o1atk7Or58tz7Cf4x8zQ
  6. Agreed. I like the idea of acquiring him if it is minimal.
  7. Yep! Def a legend! I believe it was Brady Anderson.
  8. MLB tweeted the play! https://twitter.com/mlb/status/1533208641574211584?s=21&t=8vi-tkIZ61Opc-q-d5JXaQ
  9. I like all Floyd eras and solo stuff, some more than others of course. The Wall & Animals & Dark Side (in that order) my fav, eerily familiar of the times. But my fav song to from Momentary Lapse of reason. The Syd era like no other and some of their super early stuff is the best like Candy & Currant Bun, I am a King Bee & Apples & Oranges. Also absolutely love the song Fearless & huge Roger fan. Amused to Death one of my favorite albums.
  10. Omg you got to be kidding me….being an Oriole fan is torturous lol
  11. I really like Vespi! Glad to see him back up!
  12. Omg, huge huge huge Floyd fan here.
  13. Love him. Roch too. Good people.
  14. He’s not even in the lineup tonight.
  15. https://twitter.com/masnroch/status/1532748445064253440?s=21&t=ODB185_WIfwA0D9VVDGi1A
  16. Excellent excellent post~Elias has had lots of time to show results and what we see, is what we have (a flawed draft strategy doesn't help the development)): A franchise that has no serious intentions of competing in the near future (likely until new ownership arrives).
  17. Tony: if you were GM right now, what would you do presently? I would love to hear!
  18. Thank you Sir! I am attacked constantly for daring to criticize the great Elias. After Grod and Hall (who is further off) there is a black hole of SP prospects in the org (Baumer but still early there). What is the plan for the pipeline? Last 2 drafts, no pitchers in first 4 rounds. Just take the bpa in the first round and stop being cute, it hasn’t worked out and the rebuild will be 5 more years at this rate. You may also want to do something other than sit on your hands during the off-season, and give Lyles 7 million (he has been surprisingly good but no doubt that was a crazy overpay the time). Oh and most of those 4a guys were “prospects” he acquired in trades.
  19. Omg yessssss! Might be my fav Oriole!!! Brooks & Palmer hard to beat but….Love AJ!!!!
  20. Great post. The pipeline of SP talent runs dry quickly after GR & Hall. Not sure what the plan is…it isn’t spending money so…endless rebuild. Just keeping kicking the can until new ownership arrives.
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