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We're waiting on ARod


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If that was truly all MacPhail (and the OH) was expecting back, then Tejada would already be gone.

As best as I can tell, the asking price is that, plus a blue-chip prospect.

Well, you've got to start somewhere....

I agree that some of the trades I've seen proposed here have been unrealistic, but I wonder if Tejada would've been moved already in any case. The most important part of negotiating is establishing value in a relative environment, after all. I hope MacPhail is taking a page from Scott Boras and actively working to create a better market for Tejada rather than just sitting back and "entertaining offers".

The Cubs deal that has most often been debated here is Pie and Cedeno for Tejada. With all the discussion, I don't remember if you consider that scenario unfair or not, but I would be content with it without the third player. If MacPhail can work a better deal from the Cubs or elsewhere, more power to him. I expect him to at least try.

Being on the winning side of trades is something I could get used to real fast. If for no other reason than they bring the FO the sort of respect that has been missing in Baltimore for a while.

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Would you feel better if Caberea was traded an Bedard wasnt? And we offer Bedard a sweet deal. Its not like the O's dont have money.

NO! I definitely want CaBBrera traded if he still has any decent value, but I think if the O's offer Bedard enough to make him stay in a place he doesn't want to be they'll cripple themselves for years to come. They have money, but would they spend more or use the mammoth contract as an excuse? I'm nowhere near sold enough on Bedard as a staff ace on a winning team to put all our eggs in his basket.

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Heard anything new from your guy???

Yup nothing crazy.

Tejada is going to be traded for sure. Its a )% chance he is with the team on OD.

Bedard Its so wishy washy and We both think a deal will be presented very soon to him. But AM or the O's havent made any calls yet to my guys people.

He thinks if we get Pie.. that people should start investing in ticket plans for next season. It be a huge PR move.

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Yup nothing crazy.

Tejada is going to be traded for sure. Its a )% chance he is with the team on OD.

Bedard Its so wishy washy and We both think a deal will be presented very soon to him. But AM or the O's havent made any calls yet to my guys people.

He thinks if we get Pie.. that people should start investing in ticket plans for next season. It be a huge PR move.

If I get my job in McLean, VA, I will happly be a season ticket holder :)

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Also..this will probably be the biggest and busiest offseasons in MLB. Alot of players will be on new teams in 08. Im talking superstars too. He hasnt seen anything like this. Between AROD, AJONES, MCAB,DTrain..etc. Its going to be fun.

In other words, HANG ON FOR THE RIDE.:D

Sorry, guys. I couldn't resist.

Whatever happened to Wild Bill and Earl?

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Yup nothing crazy.

Tejada is going to be traded for sure. Its a )% chance he is with the team on OD.

Bedard Its so wishy washy and We both think a deal will be presented very soon to him. But AM or the O's havent made any calls yet to my guys people.

He thinks if we get Pie.. that people should start investing in ticket plans for next season. It be a huge PR move.

Felix Pie is going to singlehandedly make it worthwhile to invest in season tickets?:confused: I think he has a LOT to prove (and I'm not confident he will) before he reaches that kind of status.

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I'm confused, how will Pie be a "huge PR move"? How does he appeal to the casual baseball fan who would have never heard of him? Signing Sammy Sosa again would be a huge PR move. Or Barry Bonds. But a prospect from another organization? It's not like he's ranked #1 in the country or something either that can be spun.

Would it be part of another BRING THE KIDS TO SEE THE KIDS campaign only without Mike Hargrove smiling jovially as the likes of Larry Bigbie and Luis Matos hold Jerry Hairston Jr. horizontally in their loving arms?

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